Sunday, March 15, 2015

New Japan Cup 2015 Finals Review

Hey guys, I'm Palmer and basically the point of this blog is to share my views on wrestling events both past and present. I figured the best place to kick off would be with the event that just happened earlier today: NJPW New Japan Cup 2015 Finals 

I'm a huge fan of New Japan and was up until about 2007 when WWE killed all wrestling for me. It wasn't until Wrestle Kingdom 9 earlier this year that I got back into NJPW. That's a big mistake, but I will catch up and hope you'll join me on my journey through past shows of all four major promotions from the past and present: WWE, WCW, ECW and NJPW. I may throw in another promotion's show once in a while if I can get my hand on it. Let's get right into it.

New Japan Pro Wrestling presents: New Japan Cup 2015 Day 7: The Finals

March 15th, 2015
Hiroshima Sun Plaza, Hiroshima

This is one of NJPW's premiere events. The New Japan Cup has been won by some names that are huge in Japan like Shinsuke Nakamura, Hirooto Goto (three times) and Hiroshi Tanahashi among others, but also has some names you might be surprised to hear. Giant Bernard (now Tensai/Albert in WWE) actually won the tournament in 2006 before challenging then IWGP Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar (yes, THAT Brock Lesnar). The winner of the 2015 tournament has the choice of challenging either Tomohiro Ishii for the NEVER Openweight Championship, Shinsuke Nakamura for the IWGP Intercontinental Championship or AJ Styles for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship.

The first few days of the tournament saw Kota Ibushi, Togi Makabe, Tetsuya Naito and Hirooki Goto advance to the semi finals. Both semi-final matches, as well as the finals of the tournament, will take place on this show. Here we go.

Six Man Tag Team Match: Mascara Dorada, Ryusuke Taguchi and Tiger Mask IV vs Jay White, Jushin 'Thunder' Liger and KUSHIDA
I'm a fan of most of these guys, and Liger is just as legendary as they come. Amazing the guy is 50 years old and still performing at a high level. Jay White is apparently a newcomer to NJPW. Looking up his details, he does not have a win yet in NJPW. Maybe tonight teaming with Liger will get him that first taste of success. Taguchi came out in a weird Egyptian sphinx mask. I like it. He looks like he's about to compete on Legends of the Hidden Temple. Right in the childhood, Ryusuke. Jay White's look is really plain and he seems out of place. Hopefully he can speak through his grappling.

Liger and Tiger Mask start and we have two legends here. I can understand the crowd chanting for Liger and suddenly I'm convinced I know some Japanese. They lock up and chain a little bit with some cool moves in there ending with a stalemate before White and Dorada tag in. Dorada hits a big rana followed by a dropkick by White. Dorada says White boys can jump (pun intended) and tags in Taguchi as White tags in KUSHIDA. They start chaining Kushida goes for an armdrag which Taguchi reverses by simply taunting him and it's kind of funny. Kushida takes control with a sweet cross-armbreaker but Taguchi gets the rope break. Kushida starts gyrating and tags in Liger. Romero Special time and I really miss that move. It's a beautiful submission when done properly. White tags in and locks Taguchi in an armbar. Kushida quickly tags in with a cartwheel dropkick that was cool. And now Liger is back in, but Taguchi hits a few hip strikes and tags in Tiger Mask who comes in with a big crossbody to Liger and dropkicks to his partners. Tiger Driver reversal sequence ends with a nice tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Liger. Double down spot following clotheslines. Kushida and Dorada get in the match again and KUSHIDA takes a big dropkick while going for a springboard. Taguchi jumps off the top, hits KUSHIDA with his ass and leaves the ring. White and KUSHIDA go for a double team but take a dropkick followed by a plancha by Dorada onto White, followed by a tope by Liger onto Dorada. Tiger Mask with a suicide dive onto Liger. Taguchi hits everyone with his ass, and KUSHIDA hits a huge tope over the ring post onto everybody. Sick spot.
I believe I can flyyyyy

In the ring, White hits a dropkick on Dorada for a two count. Dorada hits a superkick and a rope-walking moonsault for two, followed by the Amityville Horror for three.
Winners: Mascara Dorada, Ryusuke Taguchi and Tiger Mask IV in 10:23

Seriously solid opener. Flew by fast and everyone did well. It was my first exposure to Jay White, and while everything he did was incredibly basic, it was also very crisp. ***

Liger cuts a promo after the match, but I have no idea what he's saying. He shakes hands with Tiger Mask before leaving the ring.

Tag Team Match: Satoshi Kojima and Yohei Komatsu vs Sho Tanaka and Yuji Nagata
While I'm a big fan of both Nagata and Kojima, I don't have a ton of exposure to Tanaka and Komatsu, so I'm really interested in this match. I feel like Nagata has been wrestling longer than I've been living. (Turns out, nope. I was three when he debuted.) Kojima and Nagata start things off with some chain wrestling that ends with a stalemate. They stare at each other a bit before exchanging chops and forearms. Nagata's chest is visibly red. Nagata takes control and tags out to Tanaka as they hit a double shoulder block on Kojima. Komatsu tags in and it's legitimately difficult to tell him and Tanaka apart, as they're wearing the same attires with similar haircuts. Nagata tags in and makes my job easier. Komatsu tries to take him down with forearms and it takes three to do it. Nagata then basically commits a homicide with his own forearm as Komatsu crumbles. Note to self: Komatsu has two shinpads, Tanaka has one.   Abdominal Stretch by Nagata but quickly breaks it up and tags in Tanaka. Nagata tags back in and beats down Komatsu and then kicks him the face. Komatsu no sells it and hits a big spinning forearm with a hot tag to Kojima. Machine gun chops to Nagata who looks like he's almost enjoying it and dancing with it. What? Kojima goes up top with an elbow for two. I can hear the "Kojima" chants. Lesson two of Japanese passed. Nagata hits a big T-Bone, which Kojima no sells and hits a Stone Cold Stunner. German by Nagata no sold into a huge lariat by Kojima. Big spot here.


Tanaka and Komatsu tag in and just start beating the crap out of each other until Tanaka hits a big dropkick. Gutwrench suplex gets a two count for Tanaka. Boston Crab is locked in before Kojima breaks it up and takes a HUGE forearm for his trouble. Komatsu recovers with a big forearms and a single arm suplex for two. He bitch slaps Nagata who crumbles out of the ring. Komatsu locks Tanaka in a single-legged-crab for the submission victory.

Winners: Satoshi Kojima and Yohei Komatsu in 9:35
This wasn't a bad match by any means. It was brutal, in a good way, with how stiff it was at times. **3/4

New Japan Cup Semi Finals Match: Togi Makabe vs Hirooki Goto
I'm excited for this. I'm a huge fan of both guys and Goto going for his fourth NJPW Cup win is a great storyline to follow.  I'm personally pulling for Ibushi vs Makabe final round. I don't know why, but I think it'd be awesome.  They lock up and push each other a bit before breaking up and trying again into trading shoulder blocks trying to knock the other down. Makabe hits an elbow and Goto rolls to the outside. Goto reverses a whip and sends Makabe into the barricade before hitting a few hard forearms. Makabe just beats the 20 count outside the ring, getting in at 18. Goto retains control and continues working the leg of Makabe by wrapping it around the middle rope and stomping it a few times. Good psychology. More leg work by Goto, including a single legged crab, but Makabe gets the ropes to break it up. Makabe tries some forearms to mount a comeback, but Goto continues to attack the bad knee area. Suddenly Makabe decided it's time to rearrange his face and hits some forearms and a corner clothesline with the 10 punches in the corner. Big Northern Lights suplex for two by Makabe. Double clothesline leaves both men groggy twice before Makabe levels Goto and then hits a Death Valley Driver for two. Goto hits Makabe with a Death Valley Neckbreaker. Makabe is feeling it now and hits a corner lariat to the back of Goto before setting him up top. He goes for a Spider German Suplex, but Goto blocks it and lariats Makabe into the tree of woe. Goto sets Makabe back up and hits a big neckbreaker off the ropes for a two count. The crowd is behind Makabe huge. Makabe repays them with a bridging German for two. Makabe tries for a Lariat, but Goto reverses into an incredibly unique roll up for the three.


Winner: Hirooki Goto in 8:11
This was pretty solid and it told a good story. I loved the finish, even if it was really weird. Seriously, how do I call that? ***

New Japan Cup Semi Finals Match: Tetsuya Naito vs Kota Ibushi
The last match I watched before this was Naito vs Ishii from last year, so I'm high on the Naito train right now. Ibushi is always fantastic to watch, and is my pick to the win the tournament. Though I must admit I'm sad we didn't get Ibushi/Tanahashi.

They lock up and begin some chaining, but this one is a bit more even than the last match resulting in a stalemate. They continue to remain fairly even until Naito takes control with a few elbows and a dropkick to a seated Ibushi. Naito hits a flip senton for a two count. Naito continues the beat down for a few minutes, hitting some neckbreakers and locking in some choke holds. Ibushi finally takes advantage after a springboard dropkick. Spinning kick by Ibushi followed by a standing 360 moonsault for two. He does that so well, it's so pretty. Look at this.
Beautiful, eh? Like a sunrise that kicks you in the face.
Ibushi takes a boot to the face and then a neckbreaker with his legs resting on the middle rope. I liked that spot. Naito goes up top and hits a big dropkick of his own, following by a seated corner dropkick for two. They exchange German suplex attempts which results in Naito hitting a bridging one for a two count. Dragon suplex by Naito now but Ibushi flips out and hits a bicycle kick. That was awesome. Dragon by Ibushi now and both guys are down. Love it. Naito died. Ibushi hits a slam and goes up top but Naito stops him. Naito hits a HUGE reverse hurricanrana off the top for two.
Death is temporary, apparently.
They exchange blows now and both guys are reeling until Naito takes a gigantic lariat. If the camera angle was better on it, there'd be a gif here. Powerbomb reversed into a rana by Naito for a two. Another suplex follows by Naito for another two count and he can't believe it. Both guys are basically dead on the mat now. Naito tries a victory roll but Ibushi drops him on neck. That was pretty cool. I now have one Japanese Announcer coming out of only my left speaker. I'd like to think he's the Ibushi on my shoulder right now.  Naito smacks Ibushi, so Kota just kicks him in the face twice and hits a huge sitout powerbomb for the three.

Winner: Kota Ibushi in 14:14
So we get Ibushi vs Goto in the main event? Can't hate it. This match was fantastic. It started slow but it built into a great story, great spots and some amazing false finishes. MOTN so far. ****

Time for intermission where they recap the show so far. This show is half over, but honestly feels like it just started. I love shows like that. We are back from intermission, I have a beer and some pizza and I am ready to watch some faces get stomped.  Really looking forward to the Ibushi/Goto main event, as well as the eight-man tag match. Until then, let's watch this tag match.

Tag Team Match: Katsuyori Shibata and Tomoaki Honma vs Cody Hall and Tama Tonga
I do not like Tonga. At all. I love Shibata's in-ring skills, but I like guys with a big more personality to them. That said, if Tonga avoids the majority of this match, it has a shot. I still find it hard to believe that this is Scott Hall's kid. He looks like Scott mated with Randy Orton instead of whoever his mother is.

Shibata and Honma can't agree on who should start. Eventually, Shibata throws Honma out and starts the match against Hall. That was funny, but off camera, so I assume that's what happened. Shibata is trying to rope Hall into a submission to no avail. Hall's trunks have "KLIQ" on them, they must be his dad's. I hope he washed all the cocaine and crabs out of it. Shibata locks on a headlock and they keep that on for a good 30 seconds until Hall gets a rope break. Tonga tags in and I decide I need something a bit strong and tag in Jack Daniels. Tonga crawls around the ring and Honma tags himself in. He and Shibata go at it and Tonga stops clowning around. Why is Tonga in the Bullet Club? Honma tries his Kokeshi diving headbutt, but Tonga moves and I laughed.
Oh, a penny!
Tonga chokes him a bit and I find it hard to stay interested in this match, but Honma and Shibata are saving it for sure. Shibata and Hall are suddenly fighting on the outside, but the camera doesn't show them really doing much with it. Hall tags in starts working on Honma. Hall's style and look reminds me of a better version of The Ascension from WWE. A much better version. Hall suplexes Tonga from the apron onto Honma. Honma gets control and goes for the Kokeshi again but again misses. Tonga is what you get when you combine "Scream" with Jimmy Snuka and remove all talent from both. Honma hits a deadlift suplex on Tonga and fakes tagging in Shibata and then again misses the Kokeshi headbutt. Three times now, Tomoaki. Hall tags in and they hit a couple double team moves before a disgusting discus lariat. Holy crap.
That's cool, I don't need my head anyway.
Shibata stomps on Hall to break up the pin, but then stomps on Honma for even getting pinned. I laughed at that. I'm loving the Shibata/Honma team. Hall calls for a Razor's Edge, but Shabata kicks him in the leg twice then forearms him down. He then, again, punches Honma for getting beat. Shibata gets in Honma's face when Honma accidentally tries to clothesline him until Cody Hall takes both of them out with a double clothesline. Kokeshi and dropkick in the corner for a near fall. Tonga comes in and thinks he can hang with Shibata, but he's dropped with an STO. Honma eats a boot, but then headbutts Cody Hall as Shibata locks in a sleeper, followed by a kick to the chest and top rope Kokeshi for the win.

Winners: Katsuyori Shibata and Tomoaki Honma in 10:23
This is my least favorite match so far, but I still thought it was damn solid. The Shibata/Honma team was just great to watch, and even Tonga held his own. **1/2

Tag Team Match: Kazushi Sakuraba and Toru Yano vs Captain New Japan and Hiroshi Tanahashi
I love Tanahashi, I don't care for anybody else in this match, so I'm really not looking forward to this one. I still think Tanahashi should've beat Yano in the NJC, but even with the upset, I wish was a bit longer than two minutes. I like Captain New Japan's attires, but hopefully everyone not named Tanahashi can change my views on them. Sakuraba is just not a wrestler. 

Tanahashi and Yano start the match. If you knew, in High School, a Japanese "emo" kid, he might have grown up into Tanahashi. Yano runs from Hiroshi and tags in the MMA legend Sakuraba. They start grappling on the ground which ends with another stalemate. Sakuraba looks like he's going surfing, not wrestling. Tanahashi tags in Captain New Japan and I have a feeling this match will be much longer than it should be. More grapple trading that ends in stalemates. It's been about three minutes of this now and finally Sakuraba locks CNJ in an armbar, but Tanahashi breaks it up. Yano attacks him and they fight into the crowd, kind of. Yano just kind of puts him in the stands and leaves him there. I guess he's trying to get him lost. Unfortunately for Captain New Japan, he's all alone against the two now. The count out starts and part of me hopes this match just ends now, but he gets in the ring at 15. Yano tags in now and takes control, but almost immediately tags in Sakuraba. This is pretty much what I expected from this match. Sakuraba locks in a guillotine, but Tanahashi breaks it up so he just tosses him out, allowing CNJ to take advantage with a suplex and hot tag to Tanahashi. Tanahashi goes for a cloverleaf, but Sakuraba locks in a triangle choke, but Tanahashi escapes before being ambushed by, and tossing out, Yano. Yano tags in and takes a senton from Tanahashi. Slingblade by Tanahashi before he goes up top, frog splash is reversed into a roll up for a near fall. Low blow and a roll up by Yano for another near fall. Tanahashi botches a slingshot into a kick by Sakuraba and roll up by Yano for the three.

Winners: Kazushi Sakuraba and Toru Yano in 11:22
This might be my least favorite NJPW match I've ever seen. It was just so damn boring and didn't flow well at all. It was FAR too long. Sakuraba and Yano I think took 3 or 4 bumps combined in this entire match. The finish was botched and awful.  DUD 

Well, that's the first time (out of over a dozen NJPW shows I've seen) that I'd give a match a complete dud. This was just beyond awful. Luckily, these last two matches should makeup for it. 

Eight Man Tag Team Match: CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii and YOSHI-HASHI) vs Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows and Yujiro Takahashi)
Outside of Bad Luck Fale, I'm a big fan of everybody in this match, so to say I'm excited is an understatement. Any combination of these guys in the ring should be great. Shinsuke Nakamura and Kazuchika Okada are easily my top two favorite wrestlers going today. Tomohiro Ishii is so great, but if he went to WWE, I can only imagine all people would talk about is his weight. One reason I love NJPW, it's about skills, not just looks. Plus, Nakamura.
How can you NOT love this guy?
I'm honestly not a big fan of the Bullet Club guys that get the most attention (Young Bucks/Styles), but Anderson and Gallows are just awesome, with Anderson I think being my favorite member. I'd love to see him capture singles gold. 

We start with a huge brawl that leaves Okada and Fale as the two guys in the ring. Anderson and Nakamura are fighting on the stage while the others fight at ringside. I love this feud. Fale takes advantage early and stomps away at Okada. Okada takes control with a few dropkicks as Fale tags in Gallows. Ishii tags in and Gallows starts laughing at him for his size as he invites Ishii to chop the crap out of him before screaming and chopping Ishii himself. Gallows and Anderson have facepaint that looks like they dove head first into some powdered donuts. Big slam by Gallows lets him take advantage of the NEVER Openweight champion. Ishii tries to suplex Gallows, but Gallows is like "Bye Felicia" and suplexes Ishii before tagging in Takahashi. Ishii tags in YOSHI-HASHI as he exchanges blows with Takahashi. YOSHI takes advantage after a hurricanrana and a very nice flipping neckbreaker. He tries to hit the ropes, but is pulled out by Anderson and another brawl erupts that has everybody fighting outside the ring. Bad Luck tries to choke Okada with a tie-like thing, and WWE would like to wish him luck in his future endeavors. Takahashi is in the ring waiting for the count out, but Yoshi is all "no way, girl" and gets in at nineteen. Fale tags back in and I'm just waiting for Anderson.  Fale is standing on YOSHI's back, and I feel bad for every bone in his back. Gallows is back in for a brief moment before he knocks CHAOS off the apron and tags in Anderson. Yes! Anderson flexes for a bit before posing for Playgirl going back to work on YOSHI. Japan is in love with the caps-lock button. Wrist clutch fisherman's neckbreaker was sick by Anderson. He calls for a brainbuster before YOSHI reverses with a suplex into a neckbreaker. Hot tag to Nakamura and the crowd goes nuts as he knocks Bullet Club off the apron and hits an enziguri on Anderson.

Nakamura sets Anderson up for the knee on the top rope and hits it for a near fall. Nakamura maintains control under he misses a knee to the corner, Anderson doesn't miss his as he hits a running sitout powerbomb for two. Anderson goes for a cutter, but Nakamura reverses into the reverse-powerslam suplex thing. He goes for the Boma Ye but it's reversed into a huge spinebuster. Gallows tags in Nakamura ducks a kick and hits another enziguri before tagging in Ishii. He tries to knock Gallows down with lariats, but on the fourth attempt he takes one of his own. Few side slams and backbreakers follow by Gallows. Ishii has his shoulder taped, wouldn't it be smarter to go after the shoulder? Instead, Gallows takes a headbutt and a big suplex from Ishii for two. Gallows has a kick reversed into a clothesline and Okada tags in. Gallows kicks Okada in the face and tags in Fale. They exchange forearms, but Okada takes a big shoulder block. Okada tries to lift Fale, but he's a large man. Okada manages to do it anyway and hits the reverse neckbreaker on Fale. He tries to go up top, but Fale throws him off after Takahashi grabbed his leg. Bullet Club just starts kicking Okada in the face and splashing him before they just go to down with double team and quadruple team moves. Nakamura and Ishii both break up the pinfall. There was too much going on there. 

Fale is signaling for a Chokeslam, but Nakamura hits a dropkick to the back of Fale's head. Ishii breaks up a double team move and hits a big German on Gallows. Another brawl ends with Okada hitting a big dropkick on Fale, before hitting a big elbow from the top. Okada calls for the Rainmaker, but Fale hits the lariat first and hits his chokeslam variation but amazingly Okada kicks out! His chokeslam is weird, it's like a chokeslam/samoan strike.
I really don't get it. 
He goes for a Razor's Edge, but YOSHI breaks it up. Now CHAOS is teaming up on Fale and Okada tries the Rainmaker again. Okada shoves Fale into a big Boma-Ye by Nakamura followed by a Rainmaker by Okada for the win.

Winners: CHAOS in 18:30
This was pretty damn awesome. It told a great story and everything just flowed so well. It made an 18 minute match feel like five minutes and it even had a great finish with the Boma-Ye/Rainmaker combo. ****

It is time for the main event. The finals of the New Japan Cup. 

New Japan Cup Finals: Hirooki Goto vs Kota Ibushi
Time for the finals! I'm excited for this match and still pulling for Ibushi. I'd love to see a rematch with Nakamura or a match against AJ Styles. As someone who doesn't like AJ, I think Ibushi would pull a great match out of him. 

The story here has to be that Kota had to work twice as long in his first match than Goto did, but I can't tell. My "learn from the crowd chants" Japanese lessons are a bust.  The crowd is on fire for this match as they have been all night. They lock up and break it before exchanging strikes. They lock up again. Another long headlock. Apparently headlocks in NJPW are super duper strong. Kota breaks out though and hits a big drop kick. I can't describe this spot. Just watch:
He dead.
After that, Goto takes advantage outside. He's throwing Ibushi like a pinball off the guard rail and ring post. Goto up top with an elbow drop for two. Some rest holds and choke holds later, and they exchange strikes again before Goto gains advantage again briefly as Kota hits a big hurricanrana.
Goto got got
This was followed immediately by this:
Beautiful. Like the sunrise from earlier had a sister who also kicked your face.
After that, Ibushi only gets a two count. Some kicks and standing moonsault get another near fall. Ibushi tries a dragon suplex, but Goto decides to try one himself. Instead, decides to hit a lariat and take off Ibushi's head. Bold strategy, Cotton. Goto hits a spinning heel kick in the corner followed by a backdrop driver for a two count. Back to exchanging strikes, but eventually Goto hits a lariat to Kota's back, but he retaliates with a Pele Kick. Both guys are down. Ibushi sets Goto on the top rope, but Goto fights back with headbutts and forearms. Goto tries for an Avalanche Yoshi-Tonic, but Ibushi fights it. Goto knocks Kota onto the apron, who follows with a springboard frankensteiner for a near fall.
I, Frankensteiner? 
Goto reverses a sitout powerbomb and hits a big Death Valley Neckbreaker and both men are down. On their knees they exchange strikes now until Goto takes advantage, but he can't knock Kota down with a lariat. Kota tries, but nope. They both try and fail, twice, until Goto hits a discus clothesline for another two count. Goto hits a huge spinning facebuster for two and he cannot believe it. Think blue thunder bomb, but into a facebuster. Goto calls for the finisher, but Kota reverses with a huge lariat and both men are down again. Kota goes, again, for his sit out elevated powerbomb, but Goto stops it only to get bitch smacked to the mat by Kota. That was awesome. Ibushi lifts Goto but takes a headbutt out of love. Goto goes for the Shouten but is rolled up for a near fall.
This would've been an awesome finish
Ibushi hits the elevated sit-out powerbomb but Goto kicks out! Ibushi goes up top and hits a massive Phoenix Splash for not only the win, but the New Japan Cup title as well!
Way better than Rollins'

Winner of the NJPW New Japan Cup: Kota Ibushi in 17:31
This was just awesome. It had everything the perfect main event should. Great spots, great story, great finish. It might be a Match of the Year Candidate, but I don't think it beats Ibushi/Nakamura from WK9. ****1/2 

Overall: 8/10: Great. Take away the one dud in the bunch and every match on this show is good to great. I love the New Japan Cup matches, the eight-man tag match was just awesome. My second favorite wrestling show this year behind only Wrestle Kingdom 9. 

Congratulations to the winner of the New Japan Cup 2015, Kota Ibushi!

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