Sunday, March 22, 2015

AAW: Pro Wrestling Redefined: The Art of War

All American Wrestling (aka AAW: Pro Wrestling Refined) is one of those indy promotions I've heard a lot about, but have never seen. I'm going to go ahead and change that tonight and see if they're as good as I've heard. Looking at the card, they share a lot of the same workers as AIW, who I've grown to be a big fan of, so my hopes and expectations for this show are high. Without further ado, I bring the review and recap of AAW: The Art of War 

Honestly, this poster is pretty awesome.
AAW: Pro Wrestling Redefined presents: The Art of War
February 28th, 2015
Berwyn Eagles Club, Berwyn, Illinois

We open with the owners of AAW going over some of the matches for tonight. Eddie Kingston vs Davey Richards main event should be awesome. There's also a TLC match tonight. That should be interesting.

AIW Tag Team Titles
The Wet Bandits (Dan Lawrence & Markus Crane)(c) vs OI4K (Dave & Jake Crist)
The former Irish Airborne team of Ohio Is 4 Killers get a big "welcome back" chant before going to quick work on The Wet Bandits. They split up and Jake Crist goes after Crane, before Dave comes over and they start chopping the crap out of him. Crane takes a big backdrop onto the apron, and then Lawrence takes a superkick that leaves him down against the corner of the guard rail. Jake rolls Lawrence in the ring, and they go for a spike tombstone on Lawrence, but Crane shoves Dave off the ropes and breaks his partner out of the tombstone. Cran gets the advantage on Jake and starts chopping him before tagging in Lawrence. Lawrence hits a really really weak splash for a two count and then goes for a low blow submission. Wishbone legsplit by Wet Bandits after Crane tags back in before Jake Crist takes control again with some big chops.
 Double slingshot suplex by Wet Bandits gets them a near fall as Lawrence is the new legal man. Lawrence charges at Jake in the corner, but takes a big superkick instead. Jakes gets to Dave and gets the tag. Dave takes out Crane with a back kick and then hits a nice looking suplex cutter on Lawrence. OI4K are in complete control right now. Dave goes for a splash on Crane, but he moves and hits a big crossbody onto a doubled over Dave Crist. Lawrence goes for a springboard, but botches the spot and face plants. Roll up by Crane gets a faceplant. OI4K hits a nice double team move before Jake is dumped over the top rope by Lawrence. 

Crane comes out and hits a big sunset flip that sends Dave Crist into the turnbuckle before they hit a double team move the announcer calls the Passion of the Crane. I'm really not sure what the double team move is, so it's kind of hard to describe here. I'll put a gif of it here. That move seems like a good idea in theory, but the execution, at least on this attempt, is severely lacking. The move only gets a two count on Dave Crist. Both guys go up top now, and do literally nothing with it before Lawrence takes a death valley driver and Crane takes an awesome springboard ace crusher. Lawrence breaks up a spike tombstone, but Lawrence takes it instead onto Crane for the three.

Winners and NEW AAW Tag Team Champions: Ohio Is 4 Killers in 7:30
I was not a fan of this match. I love the Irish Airborne/OI4K, but The Wet Bandits just did not look like they belong in a ring. The show is not off to a great start. 1/2*

We get a promo by Matt Cage on Silas Young. I've never seen either of these guys work, and this promo doesn't really get me too pumped to see it. Cage cuts a decent promo here though. Cage's promo does go about two minutes too long. It got worse the longer it got. 

Singles Match
Navaeh vs Allysin Kay
I'm a fan of Allysin Kay, but I've never seen Neveah wrestle. This could go either way. Kay has an awesome peacock headpiece which is really neat, but the male peacock is the one that has all the awesome colors, so that's your interesting fact of the day. Lock up starts, but we don't get a bell to start the match, so I'm going to assume this match will never technically starts until we have a winner. Chaining commences and some dumb ass in the crowd is chanting for Super Dragon. Navaeh and Kay start trading forearms that look pretty stiff. Big STO by Navaeh gets a two count, diving clothesline gets less than one. Weak whip into the corner by Kay is followed by a splash and a sloppy northern lights suplex for two. 
Swing and a miss.
They exchange grounded strikes before an eye rake by Kay. Kay hits a big boot that doesn't even come close to connecting for a two count. Kay is usually not as sloppy as she is here, Navaeh looks like the veteran so far. Kay goes outside to trash talk a fan and Navaeh follows with a nice whip into the guard rail. Navaeh rolls Kay into the ring and gets a two count. Kay starts fighting back and immediately goes for a choke. She's trying to get the crowd to clap, but they're not buying it. I don't blame them. Navaeh beats Kay into the corner and starts going crazy with stomps. Kay comes out of the corner with a big bicycle kick for two. Navaeh is selling the effects of the match, but Kay is not selling anything. She BADLY misses a punch and neither of them know what to do from there. 
They exchange some weak looking kicks before Navaeh ducks one, but Kay hits a back kick for a two count. Navaeh hits a beautiful German suplex for a two count. Easily the best spot in this match so far. If these girls would stop throwing so many strikes, they might have a better match. Navaeh stalks Kay, but Kay comes at her with a big discus clothesline for the three count.

Winner: Allysin Kay in 6:39
This was terrible. The only two positive notes were the guard rail whip and that German suplex. The rest of it was just horrendous. 1/4* 

I don't have a stopwatch with me, so the announcers announcing the match times after each win is really helpful. I'm enjoying that portion.

We get a promo with Ethan Page and Jimmy Jacobs. Jimmy steals the show with the promo. He's just so good. I hope he gets a real voice in WWE creative, he can really turn the show around. Jimmy has a great line when he says "You think you're great, but everything you do, everything you are, has been done before." Very true, but a very good line. Jimmy calls him a flavor of the month before walking out, Ethan's comeback? "You should try us, we're delicious", bad line. Ethan talks about beating Jacobs tonight and then taking the AAW Heavyweight Championship. 

Singles Match
"The Money" Matt Cage vs Silas Young
The Money? He's THE money? I hope so. He looks kind of like a Maven Huffman's brother. Hopefully he has as good of a drop kick, but a bit more technically sound. Young comes out to "Don't Stop Believing" and now that will be in my head all god damned night. This match will get a quarter-star boost based on Journey alone. This is how you get good ratings. Journey. 

We start and the bell actually rings for this one. Another stupid Super Dragon chant starts. I get them in PWG, where he owns the promotion, but outside of PWG it's just dumb. They start with a lockup, and the announcers emphasis Young's brace on his left knee. Young pushes Cage into the corner and this match has a 15 minute time limit. I like that, so this can't drag on too long. Young taunts the crowd and they go to lock up again, but Cage takes control with some strikes and stomps Young in the corner.  There's a weird camera angle that doesn't show anything that's going on in the ring, weird choice of a cut. Young goes for a death valley driver, but Young reverses it into a roll up and sends Young outside where he hits a baseball slide. 
Cage is sent into the guard rail and he sells it like he just got shot. Young presses Cage's head against the guard rail with his foot, and then whips him into another guard rail. Back inside, Young goes for a suplex, but it's blocked by Cage. Whip attempt into the corner has Cage slapping Young before missing a spinning uppercut from the second rope. Young covers after the miss for a two count. Young has Cage against the ropes and hits a couple of LOUD chops. My chest suddenly hurts. Cage fights back and hits a ZigZag out of nowhere to get control. He taunts Young instead of staying on him, but it doesn't matter as he keeps stomping him in the corner to a big "asshole" chant. Big boot to a seated Young in the corner followed by a beautiful leg lariat for a two count. Rest hold time! Young starts fighting back, but Cage rips him back by his hair for two. Huge slap by Cage in the corner has him shaking his own hand.
 These guys are hitting each other hard, I'll give them credit for taking that beating. Cage says "you ain't shit" as we get a tilted camera angle that would make Battlefield Earth jealous. Atomic drop by Young is followed by a kick, but Cage catches it and throws it down to floor Young. I've always like that spot for some reason. Cage follows it with a basement dropkick for two. Young rolls onto the apron and gets Cage with a guillotine and a really bad one-armed sunset flip for two. Young hits a weak "springboar" lariat for two. Young hits a big full nelson but bomb into a grounded full nelson lock. Nice spot. One thing this match is doing well that the other two haven't, is tell the story between these two. Admittedly, looking back, the promo by Cage before the match did help enhance the match in that aspect. Cage is having a hard time trying to escape but is able to roll over for a two. He follows it up with a big spinning bitch slap. Cage follows it up with a modified spinning elbow for two. Cage is stalking Young now as he locks him in a Cobra Clutch and locks in a body scissors! Young is able to get to his feet and roll out of it before taking an elbow from Cage. Cage lifts Young up and hits the Money Clip, which honestly. 
Go To..Slap?
I don't understand what the move is supposed to be. Think of CM Punk or KENTA's "Go to Sleep" but instead of a knee to the face, replace that with a ...slap...I'm not kidding. Cage is surprised when it only gets a two count, but honestly, that may be the worst finishing move I've ever seen. I really hope that's not his finish. Cage charges but takes a big backbreaker and a nice lariat by Young for two. Young picks up Cage, but Cage reverses and kicks out Young's knee and Young falls face first onto the mat. Cage goes to the second rope and hits a big diving spinning uppercut. Cage goes for a running knee, but Young catches him and hits a big steam roller followed by a sitting springboard moonsault for the win. Now that moonsault was pretty cool.

Winner: Silas Young in 13:38
This wasn't a bad match. It was a bit long for my taste, but it didn't feel like a 13 minute match. It had some cool moves in it and like I said, it told a decent story. As promised, plus one-quarter star for Journey. **1/2

After the match, Young is asked about how it feels to be back in AAW. He seems like a decent enough guy, but honestly, I can't see him and Eddie Kingston having a great match. That match actually took place the same night I'm writing this review. I'm looking forward to possibly picking up that DVD when it goes on sale, depending on how the rest of this show goes. Young actually turns heel here and shits all over the fans. I guess Kingston is the face in this fed, and the fans are looking forward to seeing Kingston beat the crap out of Young.

We also get a promo in a graveyard with Devin and Mason cutter, the Hooligans, talking about how they're going to kill Zero Gravity in the TLC match later tonight. I love TLC matches, so I'm excited for it, even if I've never seen either team. 

AAW Heritage Championship 
Six-Way Elimination Match
Christian Faith(c) vs Davey Vega vs Marion Fontaine vs Benjamin Boone vs Tony Kozina vs Mat Fichett
I've been a big Christian Faith/Rickey Shane Page fan for years. I've grown to really enjoy Vega and Fontaine. Boone, Kozina and Fichett I haven't seen a whole lot of, though I have seen Kozina work in the past, I could not tell you what any of those matches were. I've got my stop watch out on this one, and the elimination times will be in total match time. This should be fun. 
Awww. He can't get over the wittle wopes.
The rules are explained before the match, it's under tag rules, not scramble, so wrestlers tag in and out. This could get chaotic fast though. Tony Kozina looks like the guy who owns the Italian restaurant that spits in your mashed potatoes when the steak is undercooked. He also botches his entrance, but he sells it at least. I love Fontaine. I'm a big fan of his gimmick in AIW as the 1920's boxer type. It doesn't seem he brings that with him to AAW though. Christian Faith comes out with Gregory Iron who looks like the guy you'd beat up in High School for eating his own boogers. This is apparently a five way match as it was announced, but Iron gets on the mic and cuts another bad promo. He bitches about Christian Faith having to defend the match in a scramble, as he calls it basically a handicap match. Benjamin Boone is added to this match to make a six-man elimination match. He starts flexing and I swear I'm coming close to turning off the entire show because of this guy. I really wish he was on less shows I watch. 

Starting the match is Boone and Fontaine. They lockup and Boone pushes Fontaine against the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Fontaine ducks and takes a boot instead. He tries to armdrag Boone, but Boone botches it and tags in Vega. This show has had a lot of botches so far. Vega circles with Fontaine and immediately tags in Boone again for a pointless spot. Boone clotheslines Fontaine and Kozina tags himself in, as Fichett enters the match as well. Arm drag by Kozina results in a stare down for some reason. Some chaining now sees Kozina reverse a cravate with a cartwheel. Fichett tries to drop to his stomach on a whip, but Kozina trips over him and falls outside the ring. I really really hope Kozina's new gimmick is being clumsy, otherwise he is doing absolutely horrendous tonight. If he is doing a clumsy gimmick, it's also absolutely horrendous as it's not adding anything, but taking away from what should be a great match. I really want him to be eliminated quickly so I can take this match seriously. 

Fichett and Fontaine are in and they exchange roll ups, and that double cover spot I saw Spud and Fontaine do is done here. Faith enters the ring and clears house of both guys. He goes outside and fights with them a bit as Kozina confirms he's working a gimmick as he does a plancha that misses everybody by a wide margin. This is so fucking stupid, he's legitimately ruining this match. Faith goes back to attacking Fontaine and Fichett, until Boone goes for a plancha and then HE ALSO BOTCHES IT. This is getting ridiculous. Fontaine and Fichett both move, so his stable partner Faith is the only one to get hit. Fontaine goes back to work on Fichett and goes into the ring as he and Vega go back to work. He hits a leg lariat on Vega and then hits a big elbow drop plancha onto everybody on the outside. Fontaine gets back in the ring and calls for it again, but Vega stops him and tries to superplex Fontaine to the outside. Fontaine slips off, which this botch is understandable. 
He climbs back up and they attempt the spot again and this time Vega hits a HUGE Hurricanrana that sends Fontaine onto everybody! That was a sick spot when they hit it. Boone and Fontaine are in the ring and Fontaine gets hit with a big Amityville Horror before rolling out of the ring. Kozina comes in and takes a big cradle DDT. Fichett comes in and hits an awesome headscissors inverted piledriver on Boone for the three count! Mat Fichett eliminated Benjamin Boone at 6:48. Fichett goes after Kozina now, and hits Kozina with the same move! Mat Fichett eliminates Tony Kozina at 7:10. 
Christian Faith floors Fichett and attacks Davey Vega as well. Fontaine is in now with Faith, and Faith goes for a chokeslam, and Fontaine hits a big roll up for a two count. Everyone broke up the pinfall for some reason. It's elimination, guys. Vega and Fichett team up briefly, but Vega ends that and tosses Fichett out. Fontaine hits a big boot and an Unprettier on Vega. Pin attempts keep being broken up and I don't get it. Vega hits Fontaine hits a suplex neckbreaker on Fontaine to eliminate him. Davey Vega eliminates Marion Fontaine at 9:10. Immediately after that elimination, Fichett hits Vega with the headscissors piledriver for another elimination! Mat Fichett eliminates Davey Vega at 9:32. 
 Faith and Fichett are left now, and Faith reverses the headscissors attempt with a giant big boot. Faith covers for a two count. There's a big You Can't Wrestle chat, followed by an amazing spot. Faith hits a snapmare into a chin lock and flips off the fans. I'm cracking up. Faith is actually incredibly underrated in the ring. He keeps the sleeper locked in, but Fichett breaks out. They exchange strikes a bit until Faith hits a huge chokebreaker for two. Faith sits him on the top rope, but Fichett fights him off and hits a big sunset flip off the top rope for a near fall. He goes for another pin, but "Moondog" pulls him off. Fichett hits that headscissors piledriver but Faith kicks out! Fichett goes to hit the ropes, but Faith absolutely murders him with a rolling elbow for the three!

Winner and still AAW Heritage Champion: Christian Faith in 12:58
I enjoyed that for the most part. Tony Kozina's presence in this match is literally knocking this down a full star. He made me despise this match for over half of it. Other than him, there were a lot of cool spots, and I really though Fichett had Faith there! Fichett and Vega impressed the hell out of me, and I'm giving this match a solid **1/2

Tag Team TLC Match
#1 Contendership for the AAW Tag Team Titles
Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya & CJ Esparza) vs The Hooligans (Devon & Mason Cutter) (w/ Buck Nasty)
I've had no exposure to any of these guys in the past, aside from maybe one match with The Hooligans, so I'm going into this with an open mind. I love TLC matches, but the way this show has gone thus far, I'm going to keep my expectations tempered a bit. 

The match starts quick with a brawl between all the guys. Zero Gravity hit stereo dropkicks onto the Hooligans to gain quick control. Zero Gravity quickly hit a nice looking hangman's DDT/Moonsault combo on Mason. On the other side of the ring, Devon hits a shoulder block on Esparza that drops him on all fours but Gakiya follows up with an awesome step up dropkick that sends Devon back onto the stage. 
Zero Gravity do a fun "Get the tables" bit from the Dudleyz. They bring the first table of the match into the ring. This match might be exceed my expectations afterall. They set up the table against the ropes and are attacked by The Hooligans' manager, Buck Nasty. He gets lawn darted into the table. It looks a lot more brutal than that spot had any right to be. Devon goes face first into the table and then Esparza is dropkicked by Mason into the table, none of which breaks it. Esparza actually does a suicide dive to the table that knocks it into Mason's head for a nice creative spot. Stereo suicide dives by Zero Gravity.
Vader still king of fat guy moonsaults
 Brawling on the outside ensues and Hooligans take advantage. Devon grabs the guard rail and starts hitting Zero Gravity with it. Oh boy, they set up the guard rail side ways against the other guard rails. They do a double hiptoss to Esparza that actually dents the guard rail. Yikes. Hooligans take out chairs from under the apron and starts tossing them into the ring. Some more brawling as they bring out another table. Devon suplexes a table onto Gakiya. Hooligans now pull a ladder out from under the ring and toss it in the ring as well.
 On the stage now, Mason is working on Zero Gravity, as Mason tries a foot assisted moonsault, he hits Esparza, but why is a guy his size doing that move? Hooligans have Esparza alone in the ring now and sandwich his lower half in the ladder, and basically kill him. That looked beautiful in the most painful way. Amazingly, Esparza was able to kick out at two. Gakiya is in now and hits a drop toe hold on a chair to Devon. Esparza has a chair now and Devon recovers and...well, just watch this.
This is what we call murder, kids. 
This match has been insane so far with the brutality. Devon picks Esparza up, but Gakiya dropkicks the chair into his face!
Huge chair shots ensue now from Zero Gravity as they set up a couple of open chairs and sit Devon across them. This match will set my record of gifs for a match. They hit a double team move that lifts Gakiya into a big 450! Esparza brings the table into the ring and onto the stage. Esparza stands the ladder up now as they set the table up on the stage. They lay Mason on the table and climb the ladder! Buck Nasty distracts Zero Gravity and allows Mason Cutter to get off the table, but Buck Nasty is left alone on the ladder! Not for long though as Zero Gravity shoves the ladder over and Nasty takes a big bump through the table on the stage! Props to Buck Nasty, that stage can't be too forgiving. Devon takes control of Zero Gravity in the ring. Gakiya goes up top, but is crotched by Mason. He goes for a superplex, but Gakiya blocks it and tries a sunset flip off, but Mason Cutter backflips out of it! What!? That was pretty cool to see from a guy his size. They take out Gakiya with a corner boot, lariat and flip strike and go to work on Esparza. Devon picks up Esparza over some chairs and sets him up for a Rikishi Driver/Greetings from Asbury Park and Mason hops off the ladder with a double stomp before dropping Esparza head first onto the chairs!
This man should not be able to do these things.
That was an insane spot. Amazingly, it only got a two count, as Gakiya broke up the pin. Hooligans go outside to get more weapons, as Mason brings in another ladder and Devon brings another table. The table is set up between the two standing ladders, and the Hooligans lay Zero Gravity both on the table, with a chair on their face as they climb the ladders, but Zero Gravity gets up and knocks Mason off the ladder with a chair shot, before taking out Devon and laying him on the table. Each Gravity member climbs a ladder, and hit a leg drop/splash combo through the table for the win!
Can we get professional cameramen?
Winners: Zero Gravity in 15:13 
This was awesome. Honestly, it might be one of my favorite TLC matches, and I'd put it up there with the best of them. Awesome spots, good story to it and everything just flowed really well. 15 minutes felt like 7 or 8. ****

Well, the first half of the show was really really bad, but the second half of the elimination match, and the TLC match were awesome. Hopefully the show pulls a complete 180.

We get a promo with Dick Justice showing us what his life would be like if he were blind. I don't care for Dick Justice at all. I assume he's a comedy character, but I don't find him all that funny or interesting. I guess this segment was supposed to be humorous, but all it did was make me want to put on another indy show I've got lined up to review. This is literally a three minute segment that could've been done in less than 30 seconds, and would have been much better if it were.

Singles Match
"#AllEgo" Ethan Page vs Jimmy Jacobs
Big fan of Jimmy, and Ethan impressed me a bit on the AIW shows, so this could be a fun encounter. During Jimmy's entrance he just stares down Ethan from the top rope. It'd be intimidating if he was taller than a Cabbage Patch Kid. Jacobs from the start takes control of Page until he rolls to the outside, but Jacobs follows and pounces on Page until Ethan can get some strikes in and take control. They brawl a bit more with some rail whips and apron head shots, but nothing spectacular.
Spin move of DOOM!
Page rolls Jacobs inside, but that's a bad idea, as Jacobs runs back and hits a suicide dive into the back of Page. They're on the stage now and Jacobs chokes Page with his jacket and tosses him back in the ring. He goes for a dive through the middle rope, but Page catches him with a weird spin move I'm not sure what to call. I'm pretty sure they botched a spot and made the most of it. Page keeps control on Jacobs and stomps away at him before choking him against the ropes. Jacobs is no selling the shots to the back now and Page goes for a whip, but ends up taking a lariat instead. Page is slow to his feet but hits a big DDT on Jacobs for two.
More grounded shots by Page now. Page drags Jacobs into the corner by his choker now and stomps away yelling "I'm the fricking man!" Page charges, but Jacobs turns it into a tornado snap suplex. That was a nifty spot. Jacobs charges at Page against the ropes, but it tossed onto the stage and hit with an enziguri.
Jacobs comes back though with a spear through the middle rope for two. A nice sequence of reversals ends with Page hitting a huge lifting reverse DDT for another near fall. They crawl onto the stage, and Page picks up Jacobs and tries a piledriver, but Jacobs reverses it and hits a nice headscissors DDT on the stage. Back on their feet, Page hits a back body drop that sends Jacobs back into the ring.
Page waits for Jacobs to get up and hopes through the middle rope with a cutter, but Jacobs gets a sudden second wind and hits a big spear for another near fall. Jacobs goes for his Contra Code, but misses, he dodges a clothesline attempt and hops off the second rope with a nice cutter. Page is up almost immediately as Jacobs rolls back into a nice headscissors, followed by the Contra Code for yet another big near fall. I love that move. I still think I prefer Brian Kendrick's version of it though. Jacobs throws a fit as he can't believe that Page kicked out of his finisher. Page is slow to get up in the corner. Jacobs charges, but Page pulls the ref in the way. Jacobs stops in his tracks, but Page tosses the ref aside and kicks Jimmy down low for the three count.

Winner: "#AllEgo" Ethan Page in 10:11

This was a really good match, and it told the story very well. I didn't like the anti-climatic finish, but it made sense to set up their match at the next AAW show, which I've heard was fantastic. Nothing to really complain about here, just a solid overall contest. ***

We get an Eddie Kingston promo. This is where I love Kingston. He cuts a promo that makes you believe he wants to beat the crap out of his opponent. He talks about respecting Davey Richards. My favorite line is "You know the difference between you and me? I'm not afraid to die for what I believe in." Kingston is damn fun to watch on the mic. He makes me want to see him wrestle, even if I'm not his biggest in-ring fan. After he finishes with Davey, he talks about Silas Young. Young cut a short promo on Eddie early in the show, which makes me think Kingston is going over tonight. He said he hopes he can make Silas face a thousand deaths.

I will say, AAW has some of the best production values I've seen from an indy fed. Their stage is great, their lighting is perfect. The cameramen, while the angles they get are different, leave a lot to be desired.

Singles Match
Justice Jones (w/ Angelus Layne & Knight Wagner) vs Paco Gonzalez
I have no idea who either of these guys are, but I'll keep an open mind. Paco has an awesome theme song, but his name rhyming with Taco just makes me want a taco, honestly. He looks kind of like a smaller Low-Ki, but with a smaller head.

The match starts immediately with a suicide dive from Paco to Justice. They brawl a bit on the outside with some guard rail spots, but Justice goes for a powerbomb onto the guard rail, but Paco reverses with a hurricanrana into the ring post. He goes up top and misses a move, and runs right into a big boot for two. Justice has a good look to him. If Bill DeMott wasn't a fat slob, and then mated with Jack Swagger, it'd look like him. Rolling elbow by Jones is a bit stiff, but what happened to not using the finishing moves of guys on the show? Pretty sure Christian Faith killed a man with that tonight. Paco takes some stomps on the ground as Jones keeps control.
Big body slam by Jones as he goes to the second rope. He says "I'M GONNA KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!" Before attempting a senton, so of course, he misses. I don't think anybody ever hits that spot come to think of it. Paco is against the ropes, but hits an enziguri on Jones. Jones charges back, but Paco ducks it and hits a suicide dive onto both Wagner and Layne. Nice spot there, but pretty unoriginal action so far. Paco gets some quick strikes in and looks like he's about to cry for some reason. He yells and superkicks Jones and goes up top, hitting a big splash for a two count. Tornado DDT attempt by Paco is reversed into a big lariat. Jones picks him up and hits a torture rack-neckbreaker for the three to finish the short match.

Winner: Justice Jones in 4:49
This wasn't bad for a squash match. It had a couple of nice moments, but the result was never really in doubt. *

The second half of the show has been much better than the first. The squash match was incredibly unnecessary, and I'm of the belief that there should never be a squash match on an indy show. There's just no need for it. Give them a dark match and let them really showcase what they can do. These last two matches should be awesome, though.

Singles Match
Ricochet vs Josh Alexander
Huge huge huge Ricochet fan, and Alexander has been growing on me in AIW, so I have high hopes for this match. We start with a cat and mouse game as Ricochet toys with Alexander. I don't like the face character not taking the heel seriously. Also, the cameraman keeps tilting the camera, stop tilting the fucking camera. They start with a test of strength that ends with Ricochet spinning out and chaining begins. Ricochet is still not taking Alexander seriously, and it's actually kind of annoying. Ricochet does the Carlton dance, because this is not a wrestling match anymore.

Finally, some wrestling actually happens with another headlock. Ricochet does a bunch of flips that ends with a headscissors and kick to the head. Alexander rolls out and Ricochet goes for a dive, but Alexander rolls in, so Ricochet slides under the bottom rope, but is caught with a powerslam. Alexander mocks him now with his own dance and stomps on Ricochet in the corner. They start exchanging strikes as Ricochet hits the ropes and Alexander hits a nice spinebuster, before trying a People's Elbow, which misses. They trade Rock Bottom and Stone Cold Stunner attempts before Alexander hits a T-Bone suplex for two. Scoop slam and a knee drop follow for another two.
Surfboard stretch by Alexander does not work as well as he hopes, as Ricochet escapes. Alexander hits the ropes, but catches a cutter from Ricochet. Couple of clotheslines from Ricochet followed by an enziguri to the back of Alexander's head. Ricochet backflips out of a German suplex attempt and hits a zig-zag followed by a standing shooting star press for two. Nice spot there by Ricochet.
Alexander reverses a suplex attempt and rolls over with a northern lights suplex into a strike exchange. Ricochet does the same, but Alexander reverses it into a pumphandle death valley driver. Pretty sweet setup there. It gets a two count for Alexander. Alexander argues with the ref for a second as the announcers start focusing on the smell in the arena. Priorities, folks. Alexander goes for an Alabama Slam, but Ricochet reverses it into a rolling elbow. They exchange some strikes until Ricochet hits a huge Blue Thunder Bomb and both men are down. More strike exchanging ends with Ricochet reversing a whip into a Rock Bottom and a People's Moonsault. I don't like that spot at all, but Ricochet does a nice 360 moonsault for a two count. He tries a shooting star press but misses, and settles for dropping Alexander on his neck with a capture suplex. A series of reversals ends with another strike exchange before Alexander reverses a Ricochet moonsault into a tombstone for the win. Ricochet apparently can't sell a tombstone, as he looked like a fish out of water-literally.
Winner: Josh Alexander
I just didn't like this match at all. A couple of the spots were cool, but the flow was bad, the beginning of the match was horrendous and it just did not live up to my expectations, or even come close. *1/2

This show has been such a let down outside of that TLC match and Jacobs/Page. Hopefully the main event can deliver.

AAW Heavyweight Championship
Singles Match
Davey Richards vs Eddie Kingston(c)
I'm a big fan of both guys here, but the way this show has been, I'm really really keeping my expectations low. Davey extends his hand and Kingston accepts it as the match gets underway with a lockup. Couple of stalemates and Davey avoids the big Backfist to the Future as they both take opposite corners. They go into a test of strength that has Kingston take advantage until Davey kicks him in the gut and locks on a headlock. Davey hits the ropes and gets chopped by Kingston a couple of times before Kingston hits him with a big shoulder block and Richards rolls out of the ring. Another lockup gets a headlock for Kingston. Richards tries to break it, but is unable to.
He finally does with an irish whip that ends with Richards hitting a dropkick on Kingston that sends him outside. He goes for a suicide dive, but Kingston connects with a right hand that sends Richards stumbling onto the adjacent apron. Kingston follows him and hits a few chops on the apron and goes for the Backfist to the Future, but Richards ducks and Kingston chops the ring post! Ouch. Kingston rolls back into the ring, but Davey stomps on his hand on the apron. Richards goes to work on the now injured hand of Kingston, with some stomps and knee drops. Kingston is selling it well, as it seems like he legitimately broke his hand.
Richards taunts Kingston on the ground, and puts him in a wrist lock with emphasis on the hand and fingers of Kingston. Great psychology being shown by Davey. Some more work by Richards as Kingston tries to fight with his left hand. Richards locks in a variation of a key lock that works the arm as well as the neck. Beautifully done by Richards. Kingston rolls it into a pinfall for barely a one. Richards puts Kingston in a hammerlock and sweeps his legs for a nice spot. Psychology in this match has been fantastic. Richards starts kicking Kingston in the back, but Eddie keeps shouting "come on, bitch!" This goes until Richards hits a kick to the chest that floors Kingston. They start exchanging strikes until Kingston reverses a charging Richards with a kick and then a knee to the back of the head. Eddie starts chopping Davey, shaking his hand out after each one.
Awesome attention to detail. Headbutts by Kingston, followed by a belly to belly suplex for two. Richards reverses a back suplex into a roll up, but instead of a pin, Richards drills a standing double stomp for two. Both men are slow to get up, but Richards is first to his feet. He picks up Kingston, and hits a body slam before heading up top. Eddie moves from a double stomp, and Richards rolls through and takes a boot in the corner. A roundhouse kick to the chest doesn't phase Kingston, as they exchange chops and kicks. Richards backs him up into the corner, but doesn't last long as Kingston tosses him into the corner with some chops. They keep this exchange going on until Richards kicks Kingston in the head and hits two german suplexes. Kingston no sells and hits a backdrop driver of his own which Richards no sells and comes back with a huge lariat! Both men are down. Awesome sequence there.
They both reach their feet about the same time, but then drop to their knees and start exchanging strikes there. Back on their feet, Kingston hits some big forearms, but then Richards hits some of his own, but suddenly Kingston busts out a couple of ugly Enziguris. Kingston hits the ropes, but Davey connects with a big pop up kick to the ribs, but Kingston hits a huge Backfist to the Future that knocks Davey out cold! But both men are down! Kingston gets a slow cover on Richards, and Davey kicks out! The ref has to check on Richards because that basically killed him. Kingston sets Davey on the top rope and goes for a superplex, but Richards reverses it and starts biting the injured hand of Eddie Kingston! Kingston rolls onto the apron and Richards connects with a huge double stomp! He goes up top for another one and hits it in the ring! 1-2-2.9! Kingston kicks out! He hits a spinning roundhouse kick for another near fall! Richards is pissed off now. He lifts Kingston up, but Eddie explodes with another backdrop driver!  Davey gets up and hits one of his own! They trade backdrop drivers, two a piece, as Kingston they try to clothesline each other with no success. Twice now. Davey starts slapping Kingston until Eddie hits another backdrop driver followed by another backfist for two! Another backdrop driver and spinning backfist finish this one!

Winner and still AAW Heavyweight Champion: Eddie Kingston in 19:08
Aside from the anti-climatic ending, this was a great match. These two just beat the crap out of each other for nearly 20 minutes, and it was a damn good watch. I loved the psychology in this and the story it told. MOTN behind only the TLC. ***1/4

After the match, immediately after actually, Silas Young attacks Kingston and puts him in an armbar. Half the roster comes to tear him off Kingston, but he rolls out and goes right after it again. If this is their main event for the next show, I'm not all that excited for it.

Overall: 3/10 Bad. This show was not good at all. It had a couple of good matches with Jacobs/Page and Kingston/Richards, with an awesome TLC match, but it was not enough to excuse the crap on the show. The six man match was completely ruined by Tony Kozina and didn't start being worth watching until after he and Boone were eliminated. The opener is one of the worst matches I've ever seen and this is the only indy show where I've seen a squash match that has no place on the independents. I can't recommend this show at all besides the TLC match. I can't say I won't review another AAW show, as I think they have potential, and I'm just hoping this was one bad show. 

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