Thursday, March 19, 2015

Absolute Intense Wrestling presents: Hell On Earth X

I don't want to be just another guy that reviews only the well known promotions shows. I like to watch a diverse amount of wrestling, so I might as well expand my reviews as I expand my horizon. Absolute Intense Wrestling is a promotion based out of Cleveland, Ohio. They've been around for about ten years now, and while they're relatively unknown on the national scale, they're a big mainstay in Ohio. This is the first show I'm watching by this promotion, and the card seems like a fun watch.

Absolute Intense Wrestling: Hell on Earth X
November 28th, 2014
Turner's Hall, Cleveland, Ohio

The show starts with some promos, including a promo by Louis Lyndon and Flip Kendrick talking about how they're brothers and one of them is going to take the AIW Intense Title tonight. I don't know who the other people in the promo are, but I assume it's the other people in the match. Louis Lyndon is apparently a great bowler.

Marion Fontaine is cutting a promo and his gimmick seems similar to what you might used to the Vaudevillians being of NXT. It's actually a really solid promo. Russ Myers cuts a promo on Jimmy Jacobs. Another solid promo to start the show.  I'm actually recognizing a lot of these guys from shows I used to watch back in the day. I guess there might be a link of some kind with them.  I think everyone on the card cut a promo. They're all actually pretty solid. I'm losing track of all the promos, but so far it's about 10 minutes worth, but honestly, they're really all worth sitting through. Tim Donst cuts a fantastic promo here. Jimmy Jacobs follows with an awesome promo. 

We're at fifteen minutes of promos. Honestly, I wouldn't mind the amount if they were put before the respective matches, instead of lumping them all together at the open of the show. They were all good, but at this point it just drags on a bit much. 

Singles Match
Alex Shelley vs Josh Prohibition
Finally we get started on the matches, and AIW has a setup that reminds me of the old ECW with the makeshift brick stage. It's cheesy, but it works for a fed like this. I'm a big fan of Shelley, but always thought he was better in a team than solo. Prohibition I had no idea was even still wrestling, it must be almost two decades now for him. 

We start with a few lockups and some chain wrestling and a stalemate that gets a nice pop from the crowd. Shelley extends his hand, and Prohibition shakes his hand, no swerve there. Another lockup before Shelley takes advantage with a dropkick that sends Prohibition outside the ring. Shelley hops onto the apron, but Josh pulls his leg and he hits his face on the mat. Josh goes for a crucifix powerbomb on the floor, but Shelley moves. Josh charges but takes a drop toe hold onto the guard rail. Shelley jumps off the apron with a knee that sends Josh back first into the guard rail. Inside, Shelley hits a guillotine followed by a slingshot splash for a two count. Shelley goes for a 2nd rope crossbody, but Josh kicks out his legs with a dropkick and takes control. Prohibition locks on a roll-through STF for a nice spot.

Prohibition locks Shelley with a figure four necklock hanging over the ropes and goes outside to taunt. Not a smart idea, as Shelley dropkicks him into the guard rail and pulls him onto the apron by his beard. That's just rude. Josh hits a neckbreaker through the middle rope and follows up with a slingshot neck snap for a nice spot and a two count. Rest hold time by Prohibition, but Shelley breaks it up into a backdrop. Atomic Drop and a short arm clothesline by Shelley as he plays to the crowd. The crowd is kind of into this match, but dead silent at times. Josh reverses a suplex, but gets hit with an enziguri and a rope-assisted spinning neckbreaker for a near fall. Shirinaui by Shelley is blocked, but Shelley hits a superkick and goes for a suplex, but Prohibition turns it into a suplex-neckbreaker instead. Prohibition hits a lariat and a crucifix powerbomb into the corner, followed by a lariat and a double arm piledriver for a really close near fall. The crowd starts chanting "Ho-ly shit!" and I agree. That sequence was awesome. Somebody's theme song hits, the announcers say it belongs to Ray Rowe, whoever that is. This distracts Prohibition as Shelley rolls up Prohibition for the win
Winner: Alex Shelley in 11:20
That was a really solid opener. Good wrestling, not many big spots, good near falls. **1/2

Singles Match
"Nasty" Russ Myers vs Jimmy Jacobs
I'm a big Jimmy Jacobs fan, and I've seen a little but of Myers, but what I have seen, he's pretty damn decent. Myers comes out with a sign that says "Fuck it" which is pretty funny. Research shows he's part of a tag team called "The Fuckits" so that makes sense.

Before the match, Jimmy slowly takes off his sweater and slowly puts on his gear before just sitting on the chair in the corner. He reluctantly puts the chair outside the ring and the match starts.
The bell rings and Jacobs immediately rolls out of the ring and brings a chair in and sits in the corner, he stands up with the chair and attacks Myers. Ending this match before it really begins.

Winner by DQ: "Nasty" Russ Myers in 35 seconds
There's nothing to say about this really. It wasn't a match, but a segment. NO RATING

Afterwards, Jacobs just destroys Myers with the chair. As Jacobs is leaving, Myers hits a suicide dive to the back of Jacobs' head and they brawl on the outside. Myers throws him into the guard rail and then into the crowd as Jacobs starts throwing the fans' seats at Russ. They're basically clearing out all of the chairs as the fight continues. Fans are having fun, but I think this chick spilled a beer. Part foul, bro. Jacobs throws Myers into a row of chairs and keeps piling them on. These fans are going to have an annoying time getting their seats back in order. The chair shots are pretty weak, but I guess it's quantity over quality. Myers eventually goes up top and hits a big moonsault into the crowd. This gets a big holy shit chant from the fans. 
Rightfully so
Myers brings Jacobs back into the ring and hits a big chair shot to the head before hitting a few weak shots to a grounded Jacobs. Russ taunts on the middle rope to end the segment.
The match gets no rating, but the brawl I'm giving a solid ** for being really entertaining.

Eight Man Tag Team Match
The Iron Curtain (Benjamin Boone, Gregory Iron, Jake Marimberga & Rhino) vs League of Justice (Bobby Beverly, Cheech, Colin Delaney & Dick Justice)
I saw Rhino in the match lineup and got excited to see a GORE! GORE! GORE! League of Justic is pretty damn funny. These guys look like they're having a ton of fun and I can appreciate that. Smaller indy shows like this are all about fun shows. I've been a fan of Cheech for years. "And their tag team partner, fighting out of 'Murica!" had me cracking up. Colin Delaney has really bulked up over the years. The Iron Curtain come out, and two of them are in dress clothes as they wait to introduce their fourth tag team partner: The Man Beast Rhino! This guy who comes out talking for Iron Curtain puts over Insane Clown Posse as the best band ever. Suddenly I need to vomit and drink Faygo. Turns out, Gregory Iron is speaking. It's a really bad promo introducing Rhino. Like, really really bad promo. The crowd goes nuts for Rhino as they damn well should. Rhino is fucking everywhere these days, man. 

The match starts with League of Justice trying to plancha Rhino and failing. Match officially begins with Dick Justice and Rhino squaring off until the Iron Curtain attacks Justice. Justice pulls out an invisible shotgun and Rhino is confused as hell. Justice tries to punch Rhino, but Iron jumps on his back. Rhino goes to attack Justice but he gets sent outside before Delaney hits a suicide dive to Rhino. Dick Justice is in the ring now with Boone as Cheech tags in. Justice is way too big and slow to be in the match most of the time. Cheech takes a knee and a clothesline from Rhino from the apron as Iron tags in and hits a bad elbow drop from the top. This Iron guy is the least impressive guy in the match, but seems to be the big heel in it. Somebody is being referred to as Jerry, but my match listing has no mention of a Jerry so I'm confused. Either way, Rhino is in against Cheech and hits a shoulder block for two. Boone tags back in and hits a back suplex for two. Boone has been impressing me in this match as well. Iron hits a senton, but he weighs about 100 lbs soaking wet, so it only gets a two count. Jerry tags in now, and he looks like a Big John Studd and Michael Hayes hybrid. He tries a suplex on the wrong side, but Cheech hits a suplex instead. 

Cheech goes for a tag, but Boone tags in and stops him, but Cheech hits an STO and tags in Colin Delaney. Seriously, Delaney added some serious muscle since his WWE days. He takes out both Boone and Jerry before Iron and Justice tag in. Justice hits a big a windup throat thrust to send Iron outside. Jerry knocks him out with a heel kick, but Beverly comes in and takes out Jerry, then Boone comes in and takes out Beverly leaving Cheech and Beverly on the top rope now. Cheech hits a sunset flip sit-out powerbomb on Boone. Cheech goes to hit an Asai moonsault, but Rhino knocks him into everyone on the floor. Rhino sets up Dick Justice for a Gore as Gregory Iron is trying to order Rhino around. Iron slaps him, so instead of Justice, Iron takes a belly to back suplex and gore. Justice covers for the win.

Winners: League of Justice in 8:59
This was a pretty bad match. Iron and "Jerry" were awful. Justice played his role well enough, but Boone and Cheech shined in this match. It was fun to see Rhino though. I usually don't knock off points for promos, but the promo being almost as long as the match and being awful knocks off half a star.  *

Dog Collar Match
Ethan Page vs Eddie Kingston (w/The Duke)
I'm iffy on this match. I used to like Kingston, but he's regressed a lot over the years. I've never seen Page, but Dog Collar matches are interesting. CM Punk and Raven had a great one in Ring of Honor, but I can't remember another time I enjoyed one. Ethan Page looks like he has a good enough physique to not wrestle in a tank top, but whatever. 

Ric Flair would be proud
The match starts with Kingston shouting "I'm going to treat you like Michael Vick, bitch." Nice line, sick bastard. Immediately the two start exchanging strikes with Page getting an early advantage before Kingston rolls outside the ring, and Page pulls him back in with the dog collar. The collar here is really really long. Kingston goes back out and tries to pull Page through the ropes, but Page comes out with a suicide dive before tossing Kingston into the guard rail. Kingston gets control as they keep brawling outside the ring and Kingston starts choking Page with the chain, as he picks him up on his shoulders for extra pressure, nice idea. They're on the stage now, with Kingston continuing to choke Page. Kingston now wraps the chain around his fist and says "WHAT'S HE DOING?! CHEER FOR HIM!" As Page tries to get up, but Kingston continues to tear him apart. Page is getting whipped with the chain now, before getting punched with Kingston's chain wrapped fist again. They're back at ringside before Kingston rolls him back in the ring. Page is busted open less than five minutes into the match. Kingston actually takes Page's blood and wipes it on his own face. Awesome spot to show him being a sick son of a bitch.
Page is in the tree of woe now as Kingston stomps away before hitting a dropkick to the face. Kingston is in complete control. Kingston starts whipping Page with the chain again and has been in control for a solid 5 minutes now. Kingston goes for a pin and Page kicks out before two. More choking commences and this match, despite giving credit to Page for taking such a beating, is getting really boring and repetitive. Page really needs to get his shine soon. 

The mat is soaked with blood and it's a cool visual. Kingston goes up to top, but Page crotches him with the chain and wraps the chain around Kingston's throat and DDTs him. Cool spot. They go back outside the ring, and Kingston crawls back in the middle rope and drags Page onto the apron. Page shouts "KILL ME KING" before hopping in the middle rope and hitting an RKO from, where else, OUTTA NOWHERE for two. Backdrop driver and a lariat by Kingston gets a two count. The Duke is out now, and Page fights him and Kingston off and hits a superkick to Duke before taking a big spinning backfist by Kingston for a one count. Page hits a Rock Bottom for a two count and Duke is trying to get involved, but he's attacked by Page. Kingston hits another Backfist and tells Page to "go down." Kingston then hits another Backfist with the chain wrapped around his fist, before locking Page in an STF using the chain, and the referee calls for the bell. Page never tapped out

Winner via Referee Stoppage: Eddie Kingston in roughly 13 minutes.
This was a pretty damn solid brawl. I didn't like the finish, because the referee stopped the match after Page was in the submission for about 5 seconds before he stopped it. It did make sense though. This was bloody, it was vicious, and I really enjoyed it after the first few minutes. **

After the match, Kingston said he should've "never come back to this piece of show" then corrects himself, but the fans start chanting "Piece of show! piece of show!" He then calls out somebody who got released but never fought him, the crowd assumes Chris Hero and starts calling for Hero. Duke gets on the mic and says "JESUS IS DEAD! SUCK MY DICK YOU MOTHERF'ER" to a fan. This is funny, but unnecessary. He then shoots on the fans saying he could've saved Turner's Hall (apparently it's the last night in this building.) 

Out comes I think the owner of AIW, he comes out announcers a show the day after Christmas, announcing Chris Hero vs Eddie Kingston. Which means I have to go find that show after I review this. 

Singles Match
Matt Cross (w/Ethan Carter III) vs Johnny Gargano
I love Matt Cross, I love Gargano and I love EC3. I'm extremely excited for this match. Apparently this match was supposed to be EC3 vs Gargano, but EC3 is in a sling, announces he doesn't give a shit and announces himself as Cleveland's biggest wrestling star, and plugs TNA before announcing his replacement: Matt Cross. A big "Fuck TNA" Chant erupts. 

That's some parkour chit.
Match starts with Cross attacking Gargano from behind. Cross is rocking a big ol' beard and starts stomping Gargano in the corner. Cross keeps the advantage until Gargano grabs his beard and they start a bit of chaining. Gargano goes over the rope, but he skins the cat and takes cross over the top rope. Cross tries a drop kick through the ropes, misses the first one but manages to swing himself again and hits the second one. I've never seen that before, it was cool. Cross goes to the apron where Gargano tries to take out his legs, but Cross does a cartwheel onto the floor and walks right into a Gargano superkick.
Gargano goes for a suicide dive, but Cross catches him with a nice kick. Back inside, Cross backs him into the corner and then chokes him in the rope. He goes for a hip strike into the corner, but Gargano catches him and tries German suplex, but Cross lands on his feet. An exchange of elbows ends with Cross hitting an awesome springboard back elbow for two. More strike exchanges end with Cross and Gargano exchanging suplex attempts until Gargano finally hits one after what was probably 10 total attempts. Fun little spot there. Cross eats a boot charging to the corner, and Gargano reverses a springboard crossbody by moving under it, Cross rolls outside and Gargano hits a big suicide dive. He gets in EC3's face, but nothing happens as EC3 is still hurt. Gargano goes up top, but Cross hits an elbow, and Gargano hits a slingshot spear.
Gargano hits the ropes and hits a pump kick and a standing shooting star for a two count. Cross goes up, but Gargano stops him and goes up top with him, a distraction by EC3 allows Cross to hit a big death valley driver from the top rope for a two count. Cross goes back up top, but Gargano gets up too far away and has to cartwheel over Gargano, but eats a superkick followed by a lawn dart into the corner. Gargano locks on the Garga-no-escape and EC3 breaks it up for the DQ victory.

Winner by DQ: Johnny Gargano in 11:45
This was a lot of fun and had some really cool spots and told a better story than some of the other matches tonight. The ending was fine, as it probably would've ended there by submission anyway. I've seen better from both guys, but also a lot worse. **3/4

EC3 continues the one-armed assault after the match with Cross as they stomp away on Gargano in the corner. EC3 takes off the sling now and tries to hit Gargano with his cast, but Josh Prohibition comes out with a pipe to make the save. Prohibition says "after these people pay all their hard earned money, you're going to end it with that crap?" and EC3 responds "yeah." I laughed at this. Prohibition proposes a tag match with Gargano against Matt Cross and "somebody who's not a gimp." I loved it. Prohibition has been solid tonight. EC3 freaks out over the gimp line. EC3 accepts his role as Cross' partner, but looking at the card for next month, he doesn't actually show, so there's that. 

Singles Match
Chris Sabin vs Eric Ryan
I love Sabin. I've never heard of Eric Ryan, but if you can't have a good match with Sabin, you shouldn't be a professional wrestling ring. I was a big fan of Sabin in TNA and was stoked when he won the World Title, but annoyed when he lost it so damn quickly. Ah well, that's TNA for you. Ryan has some backyard style gear on with some lame cut up shorts. Sabin comes out to almost no reaction which surprises me. Sabin says Detroit is the greatest city in history, despite literally everything in existence saying the opposite.

Match starts with a hiptoss by Sabin. Delaney is on commentary for this match. We get a lock up now and a test of strength that goes into some chaining and an awesome arm drag by Sabin. Sabin does a victory lap around the ring ala Bo Dallas. Some lollygagging continues as the crowd chants for Ryan. Lockup now into some more chaining and arm drags. Sabin playing the heel role well as he rolls back under the ring to collect himself. The announcers put Ryan over as one of the more underrated talents on the indies, acknowledging a history in CZW. Inside, Sabin whips Ryan off the ropes, but Ryan reverses with a leg lariat. Chops in the corner by Ryan are pretty damn loud. Ryan is rocking a nice beard, but not Matt Cross level yet. Sabin sends Ryan to the apron who tries to slingshot in, but Sabin catches him. A short exchange of reversals ends with Sabin hitting a lariat and then sending Ryan to the outside and hits a BIG kick from the apron. Seriously sick sounding kick. Sabin throws him into the guard rail and flips him onto the entrance ramp. 

mmm metal
Ryan starts fighting back with some chops, but Sabin drops him chest first onto the guard rails before whipping him yet again into the railing. Back inside now, Sabin covers for only a one count. Sabin continues the beat down now and locks in a shoulder lock and then a rear naked choke. Ryan makes a comeback with some clotheslines, but Sabin reverses one with a facebuster and a DDT for a two count. Ryan is impressing me in this match. He's really holding his own with Sabin. Sabin sets him on top and hits a few chops, taunting the crowd between chops. He goes for a superplex, but Ryan reverses it and tosses him off before attempting and missing a double stomp. Both guys hit a double lariat, first both getting up and then both hitting again for a double down spot. They start exchanging chops, Ryan's are much louder as he yells at Sabin to really hit him, so Sabin kicks him in the stomach. Ryan gets up top and hits a double stomp to a seated Sabin for two before Sabin rolls outside again. Ryan hits a suicide dive through the bottom rope for a nifty spot. He tries it again, but Sabin moves and he goes face first into the guard rail. Sabin tries a dive, but Ryan kicks him in the face, and hits a suicide dive on the other side of the ring, followed up by an elbow drop off the apron.

Back in the ring, Sabin calls for Ryan to stop, but Ryan hits him and drills him with a German suplex for a two count. Ryan locks in a Boston Crab, but Sabin reverses it and shoves him off. Ryan hits a neckbreaker and heads to the top rope but misses a big leg drop. Both guys are slow to get up, but Sabin hits a big enziguri and a running powerbomb for another near fall. Sabin sits Ryan on the top rope and hits a big superplex and hangs on for a gordbuster. Sabin hits a big superkick to a kneeling Ryan. Ryan gets a rollup for a two, and then another roll up, but Sabin reverses that one for a three count.

Winner: Chris Sabin in 15:01
That was actually a pretty awesome match. Eric Ryan definitely impressed, and Sabin killed it as a heel. ***1/2

AIW Intense Title: Six Way Match
Alex Daniels vs Flip Kendrick vs Louis Lyndon vs Joshua Singh vs Veda Scott vs Davey Vega(c)
I am a huge fan of Flip and Lyndon. I firmly believe Lyndon is one of the most underrated wrestlers on the independent circuit and would love to see him in TNA, ROH or WWE. Flip actually wrestled once in TNA as Flip Cassanova, unfortunately it was a one time deal. I'm expecting a bunch of gifs from this one for sure. It's interesting that this match has a woman in it, hopefully she can hold her own against the boys. Joshua Singh looks like Josh Peck if Peck kept his emo phase going but never dropped the weight. Veda Scott is very attractive, but I also have a thing for redheads not named Eva Marie. Outside of Flip and Lyndon, I've never seen any of these guys work, so hopefully they can impress me. I'm hoping Lyndon takes the belt here. Lyndon is actually introduced as the "champion of champions" while raising a bowling trophy, I love it. Lyndon actually gave the trophy to Veda after she was introduced as the "Intergender bowling champion", but she dropped it and Lyndon got mad. This is the most fun pre-match introduction I've ever seen. These guys just love what they do.

Sheamus approved
This should be a hell of a match to call, as I believe all six competitors are in at the same time, could be wrong, but let's see. The match starts and it does seem they all have to tag in, so that makes it easier for me. We start with Davey and Flip in the ring. We start with some decent arm drag exchange, as Flip does a few flips to intimidate Davey and Lyndon tags himself in. Lyndon and Flip are a team, actually, called Aeroform on the indies, and they rule. Flip is actually tagged by Alex Daniels and here we go. Lyndon starts with a kick to the guy and a few chops to the back before shoving him in the face and kicking Davey off the apron seemingly randomly.

I'm probably terrible for laughing at this
Daniels hits a huge elbow on Lyndon and whips him into the corner, but Lyndon slides through the middle rope and hits an awesome arm-drag roll up for two. Joshua Singh comes in and hits a huge enziguri on Daniels as Veda Scott comes in. She hits a few sloppy moves before Lyndon just kicks her in the face. Davey comes into the ring and it appears the big feud in this match is Davey/Lyndon. Veda is up now as she starts kicking Davey and hits a decent looking tornado DDT for a two count. Davey picks her up and does a big airplane spin. They go around probably 20 times or so as they're both dizzy and Veda falls down first. Lyndon tosses Davey and Daniels out, before clearing house and working on Veda again. The photographer looks like Akeem "The Dream." It's pretty weird. Lyndon hits a body slam on Veda for a two count. Lyndon chokes her on the bottom rope as Daniels comes in and hits a hard punch to the face. Whip by Daniels gets reversed as Lyndon hits a double chop. Lyndon is controlling the entire match. The announcers go over Lyndon's former run as AIW Intense champ, apparently he's beaten Kevin Steen.  Roll up by Daniels on Lyndon gets a two count, before he misses an enziguri. Lyndon with an awesome roll up into a deadlift German suplex.

The two count is broken up by the other four competitors in the match as Lyndon is finally taken down. Lyndon is surrounded before he starts going after all of them, but he ends up cornered in a four on one assault. The announcer says Flip and Lyndon are really brothers and Delaney calls him racist for an lol moment. Daniels and Singh throw Davey outside as a fan screams "bros before hos" before Veda hits a suicide dive on Davey. Flip tries to do a moonsault onto both Daniels and Singh, but they catch him and toss him onto Lyndon on the outside followed by stereo suicide dives. Daniels and Singh are in the ring now and trading reversals until Daniels hits a giant roaring elbow. Everyone is coming back in now exchanging strikes that sees Flip attempt a lionsault only to be superkicked by Daniels while he's upside down. Singh hits Daniels with a couple of superkicks before Daniels hits a big spinning roundhouse. Awesome awesome sequence that just went down. Everybody is down now, but Davey and Flip get to their feet first and exchange strikes. Veda is next up to her feet as she hits a bulldog off the ropes on Davey while dropkicking Flip. Singh hits a big leg lariat on Daniels for a near fall. Singh goes back up top, but Lyndon follows him up only to be knocked off the apron. Daniels climbs up with Singh, as Lyndon joins them again, and hits a huge double frankensteiner!

Lyndon covers both guys for a two count. Davey is up now and he comes face to face with Lyndon as they exchange strikes. Flip is up now as he attacks both guys, and hits them with a big backflip kick followed by a double reverse rana!

Davey is double over the second rope as Flip jumps over him and hits a dragon rana to the outside on Lyndon!

Veda gets hit with a giant 450 from Singh that just absolutely crushes her. A "You killed Veda" chant starts before Daniels superkicks Singh in the face. Daniels and Davey are left as Daniels puts Davey on the top rope, but is attacked by Singh. Singh climbs top the top, but is in a tree of woe. Daniels climbs to the top while Singh is in the tree and both Singh AND Daniels are stacked in the tree of woe as Davey stomps them both and hits a suplex backbreaker for the win. 

Winner and still AIW Intense Champion: Davey Vega in roughly 15 minutes.
This was just awesome. There were so many great spots, a fantastic showing by everyone involved. Great spots, great selling. This is how you do a spotfest. ****

Singles Match
Marion Fontaine vs Rockstar Spud
I do not like Rockstar Spud. He's just not very good in my opinion. Maybe he can have a good match here with Fontaine. Fontaine really is like a third Vaudevillian. The Charlie Chaplin-years style gimmick is great, and the music fits it so well. They announce Fontaine as having 163 wins by Knock-out, and Spud freaks out scared and it's pretty funny. 

We start with Spud trying to get around Fontaine, but he keeps blocking him and it looks like they're dancing as they star running in circles. This is apparently a comedy match, so this could be fun. Lock up now that goes into the corner as Fontaine backs off and fixes Spud's bowtie. Spud flips out and pulls on Fontaine's suspenders, who then takes down the suspenders to a big "shit got real" chant . Spud asks a fan for a chair and then tosses it into the ring. Spud tries to get the chair out of the ring, but can't fit it through the ropes. We are three minutes into this match...
We get some chaining now that has Spud doing some squats while in a wrist lock. He got to 19 squats before dropkicking Fontaine. Stalemate after that as they circle again for another lockup. Spud does the squats again, Fontaine says they did this already and tells Spud to knock it off they did it already. They shake and Spud misses a dropkick, but hits the second attempt. Spud goes up top and misses a double axe handle as a bell rings to conclude "round one." I like how they're treating it like a 1920's boxing match, pretty funny gimmick. Round two begins and Spud grabs a leg and trips Fontaine. He tries to stomp the other leg, but Fontaine keeps moving his leg and rolls out of the attempted submission. A "This is awesome" chant starts. Meh. Another trip and another stomp attempt but Spud gets this one and has a heel hold on Fontaine. Knees by Fontaine followed by a charge towards Spud in the corner as the bell sounds to end "Round two." Fontaine says he can't do that, but Spud says he's British, so he can. Kay.

Round Three begins with Fontaine taking control, until they exchange moves and Spud hits a sunset flip for two. Some pin exchanges end with a few double pins at one count and they can't figure out how to get out of the position. Round Three ends. They argue over who gets the stool and have a tug of war that ends with the ref taking a stool to the nuts as they play hot potato with the stool and it goes outside. They blame each other for the ref getting hit low. The ref gets pissed and tells them to fight. Fontaine takes control in the corner. Spud goes for a sunset flip, but Fontaine reverses it for a three count.

Winner: Marion Fontaine in 12:35
This was a really fun match for about five minutes. After that, it was just tiresome and stupid. *

Spud gets on the mic afterwards and puts over AIW and Independent Wrestling. 

AIW Absolute Title: Four Way Match
Tim Donst(c) vs Rickey Shane Page vs Josh Alexander vs Tyson Dux
Big fan of Page, Donst and Alexander, so this could be a fun match. I remember seeing Dux in WWE way back in the day. Rickey Page was apart of the tag team Faith In Nothing with Vincent Nothing, and was just an awesome watch under the mask of Christian Faith. Tyson Dux apparently calls himself the most entertaining person on the planet, however, there are 7 billion people who would likely disagree. A "sexy as fuck" chant starts for Rickey Shane Page which gets a nice laugh. Tim Donst gets a big pop. 
Bell rings and everyone stares at each other before Donst takes down Page, and everybody starts exchanging pins. Nobody gets more than a one count. Page and Alexander go over the ropes and Donst and Dux are left in the ring as they start chaining. Page comes in and takes a clothesline from the two, as Alexander comes in and take a back body drop by both guys. They keep chaining until Donst kicks Dux low and Page hits Donst with a big boot before missing one to Alexander in the corner. Big exploder from Alexander to Page. 
Followed by a belly to belly by Donst on Alexander. He tries a suicide dive but gets tripped up by Dux from the outside. Dux grabs a chair and starts stomping on Donst. Dux tries a dragon suplex onto an open chair, ends up sitting in the chair while he locks Donst in a sleeper hold. Donst avoids a drop toe hold onto the chair, and ends up going back first through the chair instead. Rickey Page comes and brings a chair of his own. Another open chair is set up, and Dux suplexes Page onto the open chair. That was brutal looking. 
He needs a chiropractor
Alexander comes in and exchanges chops with Dux. Alexander tosses Dux onto the apron. Page, Donst and Dux are all sitting on the apron as Alexander hits a crossbody to the back of all three men. Page and Donst go into the crowd. Dux gets slammed onto the apron before Alexander hits an exploder over the guard rail onto Page and Donst. Alexander starts piling the chairs in the crowd and tries to suplex Dux onto the pile, but takes the suplex himself! It wasn't as brutal as it sounds. Page then takes a suplex onto the chairs before Dux hits Donst with a big chair shot to the back. More chops to Alexander, and Dux slingshots him into a table. Dux and Alexander are back in the ring now as Dux locks on a cravate. Page comes in the ring and locks Dux in a cravate! Donst comes in and hits Page with a stunner, who in turn hits Dux with one, who in turn also hits Alexander with one for a fun spot.

Donst starts beating the crap out of Page in the corner, but Page reverses a whip and charges at Donst, but instead takes an exploder into the corner. Donst hits a nice stunner on Alexander. Donst and Dux are alone in the ring, and Donst hits a big stalling suplex on Dux. The crowd counts to 66 seconds before Donst finishes the suplex. Impressive feat of strength there. Donst hits a Cactus clotheslines on Alexander and goes for a tope, but Page interrupts it with a huge trash can shot to the head of Donst. Alexander then hits a big brainbuster onto the apron on Donst, while Dux hits a Death Valley Driver onto the ramp. Inside, Page hits a chokebreaker for a two count. He no sells a rolling elbow by Alexander and hits a Twist of Fate for a two count. Page brings Donst into the ring, but it's a bad move as Donst hits the suicide dive. 

Back in the ring again, and Donst hits the STO on Page. Everyone exchanges clotheslines until they hit a four way clothesline that knocks everyone down. Alexander and Donst start slapping each other until Donst hits a big cutter. He sets Alexander on the top rope and hits a big death valley driver off the top rope. Dux hits Donst with one into the corner and Page hits Dux with another one for a two count. Page rolls out of the ring and gets a light tube, but gets up taking the tube to his own face. Page is busted open as he exchanges strikes with Alexander. Page hits Alexander with a box of legos. Some more brawling outside the ring leads to a big "This is Awesome" chant. Donst puts two light tubes between pages legs and and hits em with a guitar thing. That must be painful. Donst goes under the ring and pulls out a wooden board and sets it up between the ring apron and the guard rail. Eddie Kingston blames a little girl for making all of these weapons. Inside, Dux and Donst are exchanging strikes before Donst hits a big neckbreaker for two. Page comes in with some skewers, but Donst just drills them into his head. Dux and Alexander are up now and Dux hits a tornado DDT. Page comes off the top with a huge crossbody for a two count on Dux. Two roaring elbows by Page takes Alexander down for a two count. Page brings the table to the other side of the ring and sets it up, but then grabs a house of light tubes and sets them on the table! Page brings Donst to the top rope and tries to piledrive him to the outside, but Alexander comes along and shoves Page off the top and through the light tube covered table! 

Back in the ring, Donst rolls up Alexander for a two count. Donst locks Dux in a crossface while Alexander locks Donst in a stretch muffler! Dux is the first person to tap out and Donst retains! 

Winner and still AIW Absolute Champion: Tim Donst in 29:01
This was a really solid match. There wasn't much in the way of a story, but the brawling was great and there were a ton of fun spots in there. It didn't feel like a half hour match and from a small indy main event, that's as much as you can ask for. ****

Overall: 7/10 Good. This show had everything you could want from an indy event. It had the high flying six-man match, the hardcore four way main event and the comedy match as well. Nothing on the show was particularly bad, but rather some were underwhelming. Rhino was awesome to see and an unexpected surprise and I would definitely recommend checking this show out, as well as AIW as a whole if you have the means. 

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