Absolute Intense Wrestling: Absolution IX
June 29th, 2014
Turner's Hall, Cleveland, Ohio
We start the show like we do with every AIW show, fifteen minutes of promos. Matt Cross starts it with a really solid promo on Josh Prohibition. Kingston cuts a good promo on Rickey Shane Page. Gregory Iron cuts a promo, and I still cannot stand this guy. He's a bad wrestler and worse on the mic. Why he's on every indy show I review is beyond me. Jimmy Jacobs and BJ Whitmer cut a promo on the Jollyville Fuck-its, but it's all Jimmy, which is how it should be. Kevin Steen cuts a hilarious promo on Sabin, but he tosses an empty bottle off screen and says "ACH is on the phone, BUT NOBODY CALLED HIM. HE NEEDS PEOPLE TO THINK HE'S POPULAR! NOBODY CARES!" I'm cracking up. I can't believe this guy is NXT Champion. Man, I'm so pumped to see him on the big stage. Tim Donst kills it with his promo on Michael Elgin. I wasn't a big fan of Donst when I first saw him in CHIKARA years ago, but my god has this guy improved since then. He's easily one of my favorite guys on this roster. Jollyville Fuck-its cut a promo, Myers is fine, but T-Money is god awful.
Singles Match
Kevin Steen vs Chris Sabin
This is one hell of a way to kick off a show. Kevin Steen (NXT's Kevin Owens) is an absolute beast. He's easily one of the best wrestlers on the planet today, and Chris Sabin was probably my favorite wrestler for a good year or so back in the mid 2000s. This match could main event most promotions, so to see it open the show has me giddy. They say Steen is 262 pounds. That seems a bit light.
We start with a lock up and a fun little spot. Sabin gets Steen in a wrist lock and rather than reverse it, Steen grabs the rope for a rope break. I chuckled at it, we all know the wrist lock is a devastating submission! They do some fun chaining sequences, but Sabin walks around the ring after a big ol' shoulder block. Steen starts shouting at everyone, but nothing that he's saying really makes any sense, so it's just kind of funny. Steen tells Sabin to go for big shoulder blocks, so Sabin kicks him in the guy instead. Big "ole" chant going, I miss seeing El Generico, bless his soul for helping those orphans. Sabin goes for a sunset flip, but Steen laughs it off and tries to punch him but gets all mat.
Sabin takes Steen outside and hits a chop to which Steen oversells and screams "OW!!!" and I'm cracking up again.
He's a hugger! |
I don't know how or what to call this besides awesome. |
Winner: Kevin Steen in about 12 minutes.
This was a really fun opener. The action itself was solid, and Steen was just so randomly hilarious throughout the whole thing. No complaints from me. ***1/4
After the match, Steen gets on the mic and starts cutting a promo putting over AIW and how he wished he could be a part of the JT Lightning Invitational Tournament, but due to scheduling conflicts with PWG...before he can finish, Jimmy Jacobs and BJ Whitmer hit the ring which leads to...
AIW Tag Team Championship
No Disqualification Tag Team Match
The Jollyville Fuck-its ("Nasty" Russ Myers & T-Money)(c) vs The Forgotten (Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer)
Jollyville Fuck-its interrupt Jacobs' promo on Steen and rush the ring to start the match with some brawling on the outside. I wasn't aware this was No-DQ until the announcers said it. Jacobs takes a suplex on the entrance ramp. Jacobs recovers through and hits an axe handle to the outside while they start fighting in the crowd. Side note: Jacobs' promos are really good. It'll be interesting to see how he'll do in WWE's creative department. Back to the match and Myers hits a nice moonsault plancha onto T-Money and The Forgotten.
Winners and NEW AIW Tag Team Champions: The Forgotten in about 8 minutes.
This match was a lot of fun. It wasn't too long, in fact, I wish it could have gone a little bit longer. It had some fun spots, and T-Money is easily the odd man out in this four way, but he held his own here. Crimson is interesting to see, I never watched his TNA work, so I'll withhold judgement. Solid match overall. ***
Singles Match
"#AllEgo" Ethan Page(w/ Louis Lyndon & #Sparx) vs Johnny Gargano
I've been a huge Gargano fan for a while now, and Ethan Page has impressed me on the three shows I saw him, so I'm expecting a solid match here. During his entrance, Gargano ran backstage and re-entered again for a second big pop. I chuckled at it. You can tell some of these guys just love wrestling at small shows like this. Ethan sends away Lyndon and Sparx away before the match, while the rant chants "please don't go" at her. I lol'd. Lucky for them, she's in the next match. There's a big "Jesus Christ" chant for Ethan as one fan shouts "FUCK JESUS!" which causes Page and myself to laugh.
We start with a string of nice reversals that ends with a stare down. Then they exchange some strikes. Then chops, then more strikes. Gargano gets an early advantage with a clothesline and goes to work with a nasty dropkick to the back of the head. Page takes control soon after, but Gargano pulls off a sick skinning the cat spot, which ends with him hitting a slingshot spear on Page. I like that move.
Samoan Fallaway Slam Drop? |
AllEgo is AllStrength |
Do you smell was #AllEgo is cookin'? |
I'm sorry, I love you. |
I'll take a baker's dozen, please. |
I don't even know what this is called. |
Winner via Ref Stoppage: Johnny Gargano in about 22 minutes
This was fantastic. The story telling was perfect with Ethan telling his partners to leave and then even attacking Lyndon to prove it. The spots were awesome, the match was fluid and flew by. This is going to be a very hard match to top on this card. Damn near perfect match. ****1/4
Six Way Scramble Match
#Sparx vs Cheech vs Brent Banks vs Colin Delaney vs ACH vs Flip Kendrick
Oh man, we're going to follow up that great match with one of the AIW scrambles?! AIW always seems to have these fucking amazing scramble matches on every show. With Cheech, ACH and Flip, this should be another one added to that list. I really enjoy Flip Kendrick. He's definitely made for these types of matches. I think if he were able to improve his technical abilities more he could be a top name on the indy circuit. I think I've only seen on match of Brent Banks, and I don't remember much of it. Sparx is really solid and ACH is just the man. Colin Delaney is hit or miss for me. While introducing names, the announcers says for ACH "it is not unusual for him to fall in love with any-" and starts cracking up while ACH dances. I loved it. I laughed.
How can you not love a fed who has this much fun? |
Bah gawd! That woman has a family! |
That was sick. A huge "Holy Shit" chant erupts and I agree! Sparks goes after Banks in the corner who drives her into the mat with a Michinoku Driver before being kicked by Colin, who is then suplexed by Cheech, who is then kicked in the face by Flip. Kendrick hits this awesome 180 front flip edge-o-matic type move. What the hell?!
Nobody but Flip can hit this so smooth. |
ACH sneaks into the ring and hits a brutal looking pump kick. ACH hits an awesome moonsault plancha to the outside to everyone, before hopping up top and hitting a sick 450 on Sparks for the win!
Winner: ACH in about 8 minutes
I've said it before, I'll say it again, nobody does scramble matches like AIW. This was amazing. It had some hilarious comedy spots, great high flying and everybody seems to have fantastic chemistry. Extremely entertaining bout and I suddenly want more scramble matches. ****
Singles Match
Veda Scott vs Gregory Iron
I love Veda Scott, but I cannot stand Gregory Iron. Of my 3, now 4, indy show reviews, he's been on all four and I don't understand why. He cuts one of the worst promos I've ever heard on the indies, and all three of his matches I've seen, he's looked terrible. I can only hope this match is short, but I'll keep an open mind. Greg comes out with The Iron Curtain. Veda Scott is by herself.
No introductions in this match as we starts outside the ring. Iron gets the quick advantage by whipping Veda into the guard rail. He goes under the apron and pulls out some chairs. The bell hasn't officially rung yet, but they set up some open chairs near the stage as Veda and Iron fight on the stage. He tries to throw her off the stage onto the open chairs, but Veda spears him on the Iron Curtain. They pull Veda away from Iron as he takes control. He hits an awful looking reverse STO on the ramp.
This would be a cool spot...if Iron didn't suck. |
Ugh. Please go away. |
Winner via DQ: Gregory Iron in about 10 minutes
Awful. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about this match, the entire segment went on far too long and nobody looked good in this match. This also has the worst possible ending for this match. The match itself was about 10 minutes, but the entire segment was near 20. This should have been AT MOST 5-7 minutes. This is the first time I have to give AIW a DUD. Hopefully the last time.
Veda cuts a promo after the match apologizing for not beating Gregory Iron. She challenges Iron to a match at Battle of the Sexes to a steel cage match. I might actually have to watch that. Don't care much for these two feuding, but a cage could be fun.
I'll give Iron credit for wrestling with cerebral palsy, which I was not aware of prior to finding out mid-match. It definitely takes a lot of balls to do that, and his mannerisms in the matches are really good, but I just don't think he should be in a wrestling ring. He'd probably be a much better manager.
Singles Match
Tyson Dux vs Bobby Beverly
Thankfully we get a match that should be pretty good. Lock up starts with some impressive chain wrestling. They go to the ground with Beverly trying to lock an armbar on Dux unsuccessfully. Dux goes for a death valley driver early, but Beverly reverses and hits a snap powerslam real close to the ropes. Dux takes over with strikes in the corner, but Beverly fights back with a reverse STO onto the top rope and a big dropkick for a one count. Dux goes outside and Beverly hits a baseball slide and goes for a kick, but Dux catches it and sweeps it and Beverly face plants on the apron. Dux picks him up and walks him around the ringside area before nailing a big Death Valley Driver onto the ramp!
Run, Cameraman, Run! |
TAKA would be proud. |
I really really love this move. |
Winner: Bobby Beverly in about 8 minutes
This was a solid match. It actually went a bit short for my taste and ended kind of abruptly as well. Other than that, no complains. It was really entertaining for what it was. **1/2
AIW Intense Title
Singles Match
Davey Vega vs Louis Lyndon(c)
Lyndon, huge fan of him. Still say he's the most underrated guy on the indies. Davey Vega has really grown on me, and I'm really excited to see this match. Lydon's entrance is hilarious as he screams at fans, but not words, just a regular scream.
We start with some chaining and Vega going for an armbar early on, leading into a wrist-lock suplex and some more chaining before a stare down. Davey takes early advantage when Lyndon goes for a second rope crossbody, but Davey catches him in mid-air with a dropkick!
This is why he's so underrated. |
Lydon goes for a backdrop driver, but Vega flips out of it and hits a lariat to the back of Lyndon before nailing a huge german suplex for two! Both men are slow to get up, but Lyndon hits the ropes and gets hit with a huge big boot, followed by Vega dropping Lyndon across his kness with a suplex! Amazingly that only got a two count. Vega tries it again, but Lyndon rolls him up for two. Vega goes for a roll up now, but Lyndon locks him in a dragon sleeper! But wait! Vega rolls backwards into a pin and gets the three count!
Winner and NEW AIW Intense Champion: Davey Vega in about 12 minutes
This match was flat out awesome. After seeing the other two shows, I knew if these two got together it would be magic, and it was. Awesome story telling, awesome spots, awesome finish and just overall a blast to watch that had me on the edge of my seat until the very end. Easy Match of the Night so far. ****1/4
After the match a big "You Deserve It" chant breaks out for Vega, and I can't disagree. Vega is quickly growing on me.
Singles Match
Eddie Kingston(w/ The Duke) vs Rickey Shane Page(w/ Eric Ryan)
I'm a huge fan of both guys here, and I'm really excited to see this match. When looking at the card for this show, this is the match that made me HAVE to review it. RSP is over huge with AIW. It's amazing he's never won the Absolute title. Hopefully 2015 is his year.
We start with some brawling, before RSP beats Kingston from corner to corner. Kingston reverses a whip, hits a dropkick that sends RSP to the outside and then hits a suicide dive. Some standard brawling on the outside with rail spots and an eye gouge. Inside, Kingston continues the controlling state knocking RSP into the corner. Suplex by Kingston gets a one count. Kingston throws him outside the ring again. As Kingston distracts the ref, The Duke uses his foot to start choking Page before rolling him back in. Corner chops by Kingston until Page starts to fight back a bit. Kingston rips his shirt and goes back to chopping Page. Page falls into the corner as Kingston hits some seated chops and a big bootwash
Kingston starts taunting the crowd and Rickey Page. Kingston goes for a tornado DDT, but RSP dodges it and hits a big kick to the back followed by a forearm in the corner and knee to the head for a two count. A big "Let's Go Rickey" chant starts. RSP blocks a backfist and hits an pump kick, a spinning roundhouse and a snap death valley driver for two!
Kingston starts fighting back and takes control after a tornado DDT and a GIANT lariat for a two count!
The announcers can't believe that RSP managed to kick out of that lariat. Kingston goes for a suplex, but Page reverses it into a Twist of Fate! He goes up top and hits a huge splash on Kingston but only gets a two count! Rickey hits a huge rolling elbow that causes Kingston to collapse! 1..2..2.9!
Kingston managed to kick out! Page can't believe it! He picks Kingston up and goes for a German, but Kingston reverses into an enziguri! They start exchanging kicks until Kingston connects with a huge backdrop driver! Page is up to his feet and Kingston connects with a brutal Backfist to the future for the three count!
Winner: Eddie Kingston in about 6 minutes.
This was a great brawl. Lot of hard hitting action, but the length of the match is my biggest gripe. This show clocks in at just under four hours, and the Veda/Iron segment got nearly 20 minutes. I really think if they switched up this match time with the Veda/Iron match, this would have a shot at being much much better. For what it was, I have no complaints. **1/4
Kingston cuts a promo and tells a fan "Sit down; you're adopted." I laughed. He cuts a fun heel promo and says he doesn't care what they say. "I may be a piece of shit, but I won the match, and I'm probably gonna fuck your girlfriend later" I'm cracking up. Apparently he remembers Leonard F. Chikarason sucking his dick at CHIKARA. Interesting way to put it. He says Duke is the only one who pays him and AIW sucks. He's interrupted by Ethan Page. Kingston tells him to speak his mind, he corrects Kingston on the fed initials, I missed it, but apparently Kingston said IAW. Kingston insults a fan, and tells him to sit down. Page tells the fan he doesn't have to take it from a bully. He demands Page show respect to AIW and it's fans, saying guys like those two gave guys like him a chance. He says Kingston is "in God's house now. Bring it on." A big "Fuck him up, Ethan, Fuck him up" chant erupts. Kingston says he doesn't believe in God, so he has no fear in kicking his ass. Awesome line. He asks Duke if Kingston was paid to fight twice. Duke says absolutely not, and Kingston leaves. Big "you're a pussy" chant towards Kingston. Duke says "why would he give it away for free, like that kid and his mom?" Awesome promo by everyone involved. Page gets over huge with the fans from this promo. He says, in regards to Kingston, "I'll make that bitch tap out in my ring." This was an awesome segment.
Singles Match
Josh Prohibition vs Matt Cross
I feel like I've seen this match happen a lot over the years, so I'm interested to see how these two do here. Someone tells Matt Cross to stop wearing a fake beard and I laughed.
We start with a stare down between Josh, Cross and Cross' beard. They start with some strike exchanges and then some chop trading. Cross hits a pump kick and Prohibition retaliates with a cactus clothesline and we're outside the ring early in this one. That's a really underrated spot we don't see enough.
That was awesome. That kid just had the best night of his young life. Cross bounces Prohibition's head against a table and chops him a bunch until Josh fights back. He grabs Cross by the beard and tosses him into the wall, a good height on it, too.
I expect this in the next WWE video game, thanks 2K. |
Nothin' but net! |
I've seen the results of this match, and even I thought this was it. A huge "Holy Shit" chant erupts and I agree. Now a much bigger "This is awesome" chant starts. Prohibition goes under the ring and pulls out two chairs, someone tosses in a third and he just rolls with it. He stacks the chairs in a small pile and picks Cross up. He sets him on the top rope and goes for a t-bone superplex, but Cross fights out of it and knocks him off the ropes and onto the pile of chairs and then hits a HUGE Shooting Star Press! But Prohibition kicks out! Jesus Christ.
The crowd is freaking out now. Cross can't believe this isn't over yet, and lifts Prohibition to his feet and hits a piledriver on a chair, but Prohibition kicks out again! Cross sets up four open chairs now as Prohibition gets to his feet. He brings Prohibition onto the chairs and goes for the Drunken Driver, but Josh reverses and hits the Drunken Driver through two of the chairs! Holy shit. He covers and gets the win.
This is just nuts. |
This was awesome. It was brutal as hell, but it had some funny spots, some hardcore spots and a ton of incredible near falls. I don't think it's the match of the night, but it's not far off. ****
AIW Absolute Championship
Singles Match
Tim Donst vs Michael Elgin(c)
I'm iffy on this match. I still have no interest in ever watching Elgin wrestle, but I love Tim Donst. I found myself pretty damn upset when he recently announced a hiatus from wrestling due to a tumor on his kidney. He's a good guy and a damn good wrestler. If you happen to see this, get well soon, Tim. About the match, I don't get why Elgin gets so much love. He's an average talent with very little personality, but whatever, maybe Donst kills him and takes the belt here.
We start with some chain wrestling and "Donst is Wrestling" chants. Donst ducks a clothesline but sells it anyway like it knocked him a little loopy. Chain wrestling continues until Elgin reverses a simple fireman's carry into an armbar and Donst rolls out of the ring. Donst catches his breath before going back into the ring where they lock up again. Huge chop by Elgin leaves Donst reeling. Donst tries to shoulder block Elgin, doesn't work too well, so he chops him a couple of times. Some more rest holds and a few more chops are exchanged. Slow start to this match, but I think it's set to go about 25 minutes or so, so it should pick up. Donst is down after some more big shots from Elgin. They exchange waist locks until Elgin trips Donst and hits a slingshot splash for two. Elgin whips Donst into the corner hard, causing Donst to fall on his face and roll onto the apron. Donst goes to the second rope and tries to suplex Donst into the ring, but he's tripped up and Donst hits a lariat in the corner for a two count. Suplex attempt by Donst thwarted by a big knee from Elgin. Donst knocks Elgin out of the ring and goes for a suicide dive, but Elgin catches him and hits a belly to belly onto the entrance ramp. Not the best looking suplex, and Donst nearly fell on his head.
Cool idea, sloppy execution |
Kinda supposed to catch the guy |
Simple and beautiful. |
If you could only hear this gif. Murder. |
Donst connects with another gator roll, but again only gets a two count. Donst is first to his feet, and picks Elgin up, or tries to, but Elgin is gripping the ropes. Donst goes for a german, but Elgin reverses into a roll up and into a crossface. Donst rolls him up for a two count. Enziguri by Elgin, but Donst just punches him in the face in the corner a few times. Both guys are fatigued, but they exchange strikes anyway. A few slaps knocks Donst down as Elgin covers for two. Elgin gets on the second rope, but Donst hits him and follows. Donst goes for a hurricanrana, but Elgin connects with a super powerbomb and then hits two powerbombs. He goes for a third, but Donst reverses the third. Elgin hits yet another backfist, followed by a rolling elbow and another powerbomb for the three.
Winner and still AIW Absolute Champion: Michael Elgin in about 30 minutes.
This was an incredibly underwhelming match. It consisted of Elgin beating the shit out of Donst for 20 minutes, Donst never really looking like he had a chance at any point, and had Elgin repeating the same 3 strikes 80% of the time. The only powerbomb that looked good was the very last one as all the others were incredibly sloppy. This match should not have main evented. Switch this match with Lyndon vs Vega or Prohibition vs Cross and you have a great ending to the show. *
Overall: 8/10 Great. Aside from this show having one dud and a bad main event, it also had four matches that I gave four stars to. That doesn't happen too often when I watch independent wrestling. Match of the Night was easily Louis Lyndon vs Davey Vega. AIW continues to impress me with great shows, and might be my favorite American Independent promotion right now. While feds like Ring of Honor and PWG have great matches, neither of them have such a variety like AIW does while maintaining the great quality. It's another awesome show from these guys, and I'm really looking forward to my next review of theirs, which will be AIW Dead Presidents 2013.
Stay tuned for my next review, however, which will be GFW and NJPW Present: Wrestle Kingdom 9!